Part 4: A Kiss?

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"What the hell was that about?" Both asked out loud then snorted and fell into a fit of snorts and laughter.

Realizing that they were being stared at because of the burst of laughter, the near fight with Vegas; the Theerapanyakun heir dragged his date out of the conference area to the hallway that was empty for the occasional staff passing by or the guests going to the bathroom.

They leaned against a wall together as they continued their fit of amusement at Vegas' expense. Tears gathering in their eyes as they mimicked the man's face and his stomping off. The sounds echoing in the hall, and it was the first time Kinn had enjoyed himself at one of the functions and it was not even over.

It was all thanks to Porsche. Why was he so amusing? The look on Vegas' face was worth five times what he had paid Porsche initially for the date.

"That shit was hot," Breaking the silence as smoothly as always, Porsche moved his hands to adjust his hair since he had been dragged back and forth.

The break of standing outside of the room was a relief.

Socializing was tiring as hell and his eyes looked around for a moment to catch his breath. A hand on his hip and another moving to fan himself, "Literally and figuratively hot."

Kinn looked over to the slight sweat droplets peppering Porsche's forehead, he could tell the man was more inclined to sweat and pulled out the scarf from his pocket. He lifted it and lightly dabbed at Porsche's forehead and made sure to clean it off before looking satisfied and repocketing the object.

Though it finally caught up to what his companion had said and Kinn's brows raised before lowering and his eyes turning a hue. His look evaluating the 'hot' and his head did a slow shift of this way and that to look right into caramel ones.

Porsche noted the look, it was one that devoured his very soul and all he could do in return was swallow. The dryness of his throat had him peeking off to the side then back again.

Yep, that look was still there and directed towards him.

It seemed they were suddenly very aware of one another.

Porsche recalled when all he wanted was those eyes looking at him. Not some barfly, not some floozy that was clinging to Kinn, only him. He thought he had done something wrong that didn't warrant any special treatment.

That the hottest guy to ever walk into Yok's bar would only deign him equally imperfect, strange, and gangly, and not 'his type'.

Then why was Kinn looking at him like that now? A hungry expression masked with barely veiled desire and admiration.

Not knowing where to place his hands, the bartender decided to take a small leap forward and settle them against the buttons of Kinn's broad chest. He splayed them out and peeked to count each one mentally as the patch of pale peeked through the gaps his fingers made.

They tugged lightly, testing the durability of the button, and debating how easy it would be to just pull to open it. To lay that span of milky skin bare and let his own teeth sink into the expanse of it to bruise.

And he could feel Kinn's eyes drilling into his head, so Porsche looked up as if willed to do so. Then more staring.

Continuing to lean against the wall, Kinn had been able to look into those eyes, hear that freed laughter directed at him this time. Not some woman at the bar, not some drunkard that was too touchy; only him.

It was like he felt an invisible string wrap around them and Kinn was uncertain how to proceed. Then Porsche took the initiative to touch him. To reach for him. Black eyes peeked over the lithe man's shoulder to not see anyone of importance looking at them then back down.

This moment was just them. Kinn and Porsche. Not Kinn with his paid date.


"Kinn..." It was an echoed name. An acknowledgement that they were both there.

Porsche knew this was the freedom of touching a powerful man for one night. The implications that it would have on his heart. Was he prepared for it? No.

Did he want it? Fuck yes.

It was all he could dream of, masturbate to, and only pine over like a school kid with a first-time crush. He needed this man out of his system and Porsche had no idea how to get that itch without scratching it.

At this point, he needed the fucking rake.

Kinn's hands seemed to find themselves comfortably at home against the dip in Porsche's waist, squeezing and touching the fabric. "Why'd I make you wear leather again?"

"Because you're a dick with poor fashion choices when it comes to not wearing it yourself." Laughing in return to break the obvious tension between them, Porsche's long fingers went to tugging invisible lint. "Scratch that, you'd probably rock some sort of leather outfit. Asshole."

"Why'd you let me do that?"

"Because you said you paid for it. I can't really protest."

"I paid for I paying for this moment too?"

The Theerapanyakun heir's fingers curled against the fabric, bunching up the shirt slightly as he pulled Porsche slowly but surely to melt against his torso. Their bodies lined up as he continued to be the one against the wall. Kinn's head shifting forward and cursed when some hair dipped into his eyes and created a veil to looking at Porsche through the gaps.

"I...uh..." That faltered Porsche slightly and he tossed his back to sigh then bring it back to grumble, "No. You're not. I don't do things out of my norm for just anyone."

"You said 'that shit' was hot...what were you referring to?" Kinn's voice was deeper, husky and held a promise of something. Did they want to explore past their contracted agreement?

Honestly that was the best-case scenario for Kinn, but Porsche was straight. Was he, himself, prepared for the repercussions of being with a straight man?

Fuck yes, he was.

Porsche debated for a minute to answer snarky or sarcastically. Tilting his head upward to see that Kinn's face had inched closer to his own all sudden. His breath hitched slightly then he cleared his throat as his own eyes narrowed.

A smirk on his lips, "Fine I'll correct what I meant so it's clear. YOU were hot Khun Kinn..." Porsche's gaze lingered heavily on those kissable lips. The lips he had wanted to kiss a little too hard, the lips that were coming closer to his own.

An inch from one another as Kinn returned the smirk, "Thank you. That's all I needed to hear." And Kinn's lips pressed securely to Porsche's, and it was kismet.


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