Part 18: In Waves

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He should've felt devastated, sensitively wrecked to the betrayal, devoid of all emotions that would leave him a shell of his former self. All because the man that he loved ran off with all of them.

Except he didn't. He felt the opposite. The hurricane of spiraling feelings were rotating around as if debating which to settle on first and he honestly couldn't be clear-cut either if someone asked. Porsche wanted to give Kinn the wheel to the car of their destiny. Truly. Then the man had to go and fuck it up with a disassociated twisted sense of nobility that made him nauseated instead of fulfilled. That blaring red flag should've smacked Porsche to gather his things and take this as the sign to leave it all behind. Pretend that the roller coaster that Kinn had taken him on the past few months was nothing but a hallucination, a figment Porsche concocted in his miserable loneliness.

He couldn't.

Perhaps it was because they had already jumped through certain hoops together that the chains of destiny already shackled him to the incorrigible man that wanted to run away with his heart and presume no repercussions. Maybe it was his own deluded mind that was protecting his sensibilities to reality with fragmented with fantasy instead. Or it was probably because he was too pissed off to care about facts.

Not playfully miffed. P to O. Pissed off.

"I won't ask again. Where did Kinn go you brat?"

"He didn't say." The reply was brisk, curt, and Porsche wanted to smack the smug look off of Kim's face. He noticed the outline of the younger Theerapanyakun, reclined with his legs crossed over one another, arm tossed to the back of the couch and hand lingering near the back of his brother's neck. What made it worse was that Porchay appeared to lean towards the natural warmth. Porsche would've seen red in an instant if he didn't need the asshole. Kinn would be getting an earful from him for many things.

"Listen. I am this close—" Porsche pinched the air with his index and forefinger, narrowing his eyes, "—to dragging you out by your hair into the front yard and letting loose the hellhounds that are my fists into your pretty face."

The shout of his name, "Porsche!" had Porsche falter lightly. He forgot Porchay was there. Tunnel vision was real at the moment, and he let out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding before continuing.

"Chay. This is a conversation between me—" the eldest in the room pointed to his chest then accusatory towards the younger version of the man he wanted to throttle. Then fuck. Then throttle some more. Damn Kinn for stirring up unnecessary thoughts in his brain. Porsche shook his head to free that cloud for a moment, returning to the task at hand, "I woke up and Kinn was gone. No note. No text. And I can't reach him since his cellphone's turned off. I was about to storm the compound myself but seeing as I doubt, I'm allowed there without Kinn, I'm asking you. His brother."

"Are you deaf? I said that he didn't say. Not sure what Kinn sees in you..."

"Oh, you little fu—"

"Kim's serious Porsche! Kinn didn't tell him anything!"

"How do you know? Were you here and you didn't stop him?"

"I didn't know we had to stop Kinn from heading out. We...well...I thought you were sleeping but he told you about his plan the night before."

Porsche deadpanned. Now his brother was struggling to catch up with how to save the situation. Pitying him, he just held up a hand, "Never mind. Let's move onto Kim then. Do I want to know why he's still here anyway? Kinn's my boyfriend. He's allowed to be here. But this one? No."

"Kim's – umm..."

"Uh huh that's what I thought. So, he stayed over like a freeloader and what? Couldn't find his way out?" Porsche's patience had been really hanging by a thin thread, the strings unravelling since this morning. One by one, coming undone. He curled his hands into fists, "I will gladly show him now."

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