Part 17: Speak to Me

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"I don't like him."


"Correction, I dislike him. Is that better?" Porsche reiterated with a grumble and pout that Kinn just looked at him with amusement in return.

The mafia head let out an affectionate yet exasperated sigh over the fact that Porsche was not fond of his younger brother now that they had met. He watched as his lover was glaring outright at the interaction between Porchay and Kimhan. It was funny considering that the same couldn't be said for Kinn meeting Porchay. The youth was jovial, a little shy, and definitely had no idea what was going on except that Porsche suddenly had a boyfriend, was bringing him home, along with ten bodyguards to stand outside of the permitter of the house. The presence was outstanding alone and Kinn knew that he wasn't gentle in demeanor either. He shook Porchay's hand at their introductions, noticed the large owl-like eyes that reflected innocence, naivety, and a pure-like virtue that he knew Porsche had done his best to maintain and protect, and he also vowed to do his best.

His impression of Porchay was the opposite of his wild-spirited lover and he definitely was proud of Porsche for being able to give the youngest male that lifestyle.

Then there was Kim.

His brother was the wild card of the Theerapanyakun boys.

Kim always did as he wanted even from childhood. Kinn recalled the way that Kim always just had a detached personality, be surrounded by gaggles of boys and girls on the playground that wanted to be his brother's friend and he'd just ignore them. Tankhun had been outgoing and bubbly before the kidnapping incident that took away his social skills and replaced it with social anxiety instead. For Kinn, he was smack dabbed in the middle of the road. As the middle child, he always found that ironic that he played up to the part of just being centered unconsciously.

The opposite of the middle-child syndrome.

Now as an adult, Kim behaved similarly. He could see the cold, calculative eyes that would be polite and empty as Kim would smile and perform for audiences that were besotted by his presence. Kinn blamed it on their genetics.

They were a gorgeous trio of men that came from a strong lineage and Kim just used his to dip into the lake of entertainment while Kinn held the fort down with the mafia and Tankhun gallivanted around like a fairy princess at times. He wasn't bitter, he accepted the reality of his life a long time ago, it was just annoying that on top of everything he had done for the family, his father was still being meddlesome and trying to squash the little ray of sunshine he found for himself. He couldn't understand why. Porsche had never given any reason to make people distrust him, except perhaps Vegas who had already said his piece about Porsche being the 'culprit' of the kidnapping that led up to himself being shot. Now a poisoning that Kinn was confident his father was behind – his emotions were a little all over the place as was his temperaments.

Now that he asked for Kim to come over to the Kittisawat residence, he knew that it would be a little awkward to see his baby brother after so long. They normally communicated via text messages or phone calls only for emergencies; however, Kinn was relieved to see that Kim was still willing to come see him when he called.

The first thing that Kim did upon his arrival though was to let himself linger close to Porchay by the entrance to the home, who proceeded to squeal out loud at Kim's appearance, tried to rein in his feelings of idolism for 'Wik' and now Kinn stood back to observe with Porsche at his side. Both of them literally shoved aside with incredible force by a fan-boy's strength to get to stand in front of his idol awkwardly. Kinn's hand had to literally curl into the fabric of his lover's shirt from behind to keep Porsche rooted by his side, "Porsche. He's going to help."

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