Creation And Destruction

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First one-shot, yay!

Just to clarify, these one-shots will probably not be in any chronological order. I'll try my best to make it clear in which period of time each one-shot takes place :)

Have a cookie🍪


The evening had fallen upon the Encanto. The Moon was shining white in the black sky alongside the thousands and thousands of burning little stars. The small town was being lit by lanterns that held the cozy golden light inside of them. Tonight was a special night. All the townspeople were gathering in the magical house, La Casa Elemental, where the First Spinjitzu Master lived with his two young sons who were to get their elemental powers tonight.

In the courtyard of La Casa Elemental, or Casita as the family called it, music was playing, children were running around and playing with the house while the adults were chatting in small groups. On the side of the courtyard was standing a short, 5-year-old boy with beautiful blond hair and a shy look on his pale face. He was wearing beautiful ivory clothes with a small dragon pattern on the collar of his shirt. His bright blue eyes were gazing around the open area and the adults he called "the big people". The little boy's name was Wu. He was currently trying to spot his father among the townspeople but with no success.

Wu rubbed his hands together nervously, only to notice how sweaty they were. He was honestly scared around so many people. He wasn't used to it at all since it was usually just him, his father and his brother. Speaking of which, where was his brother?

"Wu," Wu heard his name being said by the most familiar voice.

The boy turned around to see his father, the First Spinjitzu Master, coming towards him. Wu wiped his sweaty hands on his shirt and waited until his father had come up to him.

"Son, have you seen Garmadon?" The father asked, looking around in search of the boy in question.

"No, papi," Wu replied with his high-pitched voice. "I haven't seen him since dinner."

"Hm, alright," the First Spinjitzu Master said, deep in thought. "I will go look for him. Prepare yourself for the ceremony in the meanwhile," He instructed, gently moving a strand of his son's blond hair out of his eyes.

"Okay, papi."

With that, the father made his way upstairs, leaving his younger son to mentally prepare himself. The Master came up to the breezeway and headed towards the nursery to check it once more. Maybe Garmadon had come there now?

The father quietly opened the squeaking door of the small nursery. In the room were two small beds, Wu's with light blue and white sheets and Garmadon's with dark purple sheets. There were drawers decorated with his children's crayon drawings beside the beds. There was also a shared dresser that was filled with clothes and toys. The window was open so that the room would be filled with fresh air.

The father gazed around the nursery. It was empty of people. There was no sign of anyone having been there for a while. This made him assume his son was not here. He was about to leave the nursery when he heard a quiet sneeze from under Garmadon's bed.

A gentle smile crossed the First Spinjitzu Master's face as his son's hiding spot had been exposed by the unfortunate timing for a sneeze. The father made his way over to the bed and kneeled on the floor. He grabbed the blanket and lifted it up to see Garmadon under the bed, now looking at him with his bright purple eyes. His lip was quivering and his eyes were filled with anxiety.

"Hello," the First Spinjitzu Master smiled gently at his fearful child. "What are you doing down there?"

"Papi, I don't wanna go," Garmadon whimpered. "It's scawy."

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