Double Addition

170 4 20

Didn't have a lot of time to edit this cuz welp I'm boarding an airplane. Hope it's still good!



The family of elemental masters lived in the magical casita together in harmony, learning more about the magic everyday and wielding their own respective elements. The family was small but they were all very close. The First Spinjitzu Master kept the casita from falling under the wilderness of the younger generation while Garmadon, Misako and Wu were like a pack of wolves that was constantly having fun with the casita. The three shared everything with each other and supported one another in every situation. They felt like each other was all they needed. 

Well, that had lasted for about two years.

After getting married, Misako and Garmadon had started to yearn for something more. Something they could share and cherish together. Something they could fill the one empty spot in their hearts with. First they had considered a puppy who the Master of Destruction wanted to name Frijo, because, well, he liked beans. Especially green beans. Unfortunately, the patriarch of the family had disagreed with the idea and as he had the last say in everything, the puppy was no longer an option. This was much to Garmadon's annoyance since he had really looked forward to naming the ball of fluff Frijo

After recovering from having the first idea turned down, the couple had come up with another one; getting a shared hobby. They had decided to start taking dance lessons. First it had seemed like a good idea, but once they both had realized just how much Garmadon's element disliked dancing, they'd decided to stop. It had taken months to repair the dance studio afterwards.

After the whole dance chaos, the Destruction-Healing couple had been out of ideas already. They'd tried to think of something that they could do in order to fill their hearts with joy, but nothing had quite done it. Until one day Misako had come up to Garmadon after finding out something. Once she'd told the Master of Destruction, he had cheered so loud that the whole casita had shaken. They were having a baby. An actual baby. The news had been a blast to everyone at the time. 

Now, Misako was four months along. She and Garmadon had already gotten almost everything for the baby despite the First Spinjitzu Master having tried to calm them down. But, there was really nothing anyone could do about over-excited parents-to-be. It was lovely for Wu to watch how they were getting ready for the small bundle of joy. But as he observed their growing happiness more and more by the day, the Master of Creation started getting bothered by a certain fact. 

Wu had realized that once the baby was out, Garmadon and Misako would be busy with them and would not be able to do crazy stuff with him anymore. They would most probably be occupied by the baby day and night, which left Wu all alone. Well, alone with his father, who usually spent his time meditating and writing scrolls.

Of course, Wu was happy for his brother and sister and was beyond excited to be an uncle to whom he secretly wished to be a boy. He was already making jokes on what if the child had blond hair. But the fact that Garmadon and Misako were moving on into another chapter in their life while Wu was still stuck in this chapter. 

The obvious solution for anyone would be that one started to date people and look for the right one to settle down and have a family with. The only problem was that Wu didn't really feel like he was dating material like his brother. Garmadon was charmy, dreamy, romantic and very social while Wu was rather an introvert and the least romantic person in the whole Encanto. Yet he wanted to have something that his brother was about to have. 

One day, Wu was walking around at the plaza to kill time. He didn't have anything to do in order to help his community at the moment, so he had some time to spare. Garmadon and Misako were shopping for what felt like the one thousandth outfit for their already fashionable baby. Garmadon wanted his child to be the coolest kid in the Encanto, which explained the need for varying clothing.  

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