Competition Confession !!

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this oneshot includes :  (happy drake ending)

-drake (romantic- first angst, then fluff!!)

-jailey ( platonic/romantic-one sided, angst)

-lander (romantic-fluff?)

-henriam (romantic-fluff?)

-Droey (romantic- toxic, breakup, angst.)

-jaisy (platonic)

-Zia (platonic- angst)

-Lia x Drew (platonic-fluff)

word count: 1782



 3rd person pov:

       "Eeek!!! I'm so scared-but so excited!! Aghh!! This is going to be amazing!!" Milly exclaims.

       Its the day of the competition. the one the club has been trying to perfect for months. The band was all backstage, perfecting and preparing for their performance, which was coming up very soon. Milly could not stop jumping around, and cheering. Sean was triple checking all the speakers, and soundtracks, making sure that nothing could possibly go wrong. Zander was nervously pacing around, Luke was trying to help Zander stop pacing. Hailey was nervous, and reading a book titled "How to avoid anxiety while on stage"  She didn't want to let her team down. Every now and then she would glance at Jake, who was constantly checking behind the curtain, looking for somebody. Hailey set her book down on a nearby table (she had already read it about three times, fowards and backwards) and walked over to the blonde.

      "If you're looking for Daisy, she's over there-in the front row" She said, pointing to where Daisy sat. Hailey looked back at Jake, who gave a weak laugh, then continued searching. Hailey then realized. 'oh. Jake's not looking  for Daisy.. He's looking for Drew.' 

      She took a deep breath, then, "Jake. I don't think he's going to show up. You know how he feels about music and this sort of stuff." Jake still had his hopes up, and she could tell. So she sighed, and continued,

      "After everything's that's happened this week, you really think he's going to come? Jake-he probably hates us even more. Face it Jake, he's a judgemental jerk who diesn't want to risk his ego by showing up here. " They stood there in silence, Jake was still looking for him, and Hailey gave up. So, before she left, 

      "lets hope your confidence doesn't dissolve before the competition, huh Sterling?" Jake chuckled, 

      "You're the boss, Austin." Then Hailey walked back.

      Hailey was right, about the whole 'This week has been crazy.' Because it has been nothing but chaos. To sum it up, the club found a recording of Jake saying a bunch of shit about the club. In response, blinded by betrayal and anger, they kicked him out. Daisy walked into the club room, after they left, to see a crying Jake. Over these past days, Jake, Daisy, and Sean had been working hard to gain their trust back, and allow Jake back into the club. It wasn't working that well, until Lia grabbed Zoey's phone, and showed the club the full  recording. All the manipulation the jomies forced into his head. Jake was let back into the club, Lia had a redemption arc, and Jake had a while of alone time to figure himself out. And what he's going to do. 

And now- life is good!! ...

      ..Not really. Jake's been ignoring Drew since he got kicked out, and Jake misses him. He hates how much he misses him, but he really does. He misses his laugh, not the smirking, or chuckle, but the one he does when he's genuinely laughing. Jake misses his honey brown eyes, the main reason they call him 'Drew bear' is because his eyes are like honey-and bears love honey. Jake misses how he lights up when he's talking about something he actually likes, and how he tries to 'play it cool' all the time, but ends up breaking down in Jakes arms. He misses his hugs, and Jake just misses Drew. The club doesn't know him like Jake does. He's not some bully-he can be kind hearted. He treats kids well, and takes in stray cats and finds them new families. (or keeps them if he gets too  attached.) Jake doesn't want to leave Drew. Ever. (Zoey he wouldn't mind-but Drew? No!) 

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