may i have this dance?

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this oneshot includes : (drake not together yet)

-drake (romantic- fluff??)

-jomies (platonic)

-henriam (platonic? romantic? idk)

      AU EXPLANATION: Basically, for Drews 18th birthday, his parents threw a giant ball (like a super fancy, super expensive ball) as a celebration. They invited their friends, college professors, college scouts, ect. (basically just a bunch of rich people.) It is required for everyone to wear a fancy outfit (suits, dresses, that sort of stuff.) Drew invited Jake, Henry, and Liam. (although there are a couple of other kids-like the rich peoples childrens and stuff) Drew and Jake have a crush on eachother, but they don't know. Mostly everybody is above the age of 18. (except for Henry. I have a hc he's the youngest.) This takes place after Drew just gave a speech.

      warnings:: drinking, (alcohol) and swear words.

word count: 1111



        Drew stood on the stage, with a empty wine glass in his hand, confidently smiling. Although on the inside, he's a anxious mess. 'I cannot believe that went well.' He thought to himself while an applause filled the ballroom. He gave one last smile before walking off the stage, returning to his group of friends.

      "Holy shit man. You sounded so professional," Liam complimented him when he arrived.

      "Yeah bro! You sounded so fancyy," Henry teased, singing the word 'fancy.'

      Drew chuckled at the compliments, then looked over to Jake, who was looking back at him. Jake stared at Drew, looking at him from the bottom to the top, staring in awe. Jake was admiring the boy, how confident and put together he looked in his suit. Drew noticed the way Jake was looking at him, and madly blushed. Surely Jale wasn't admiring him, right? Drew blushed some more, and Jake realized on how he had been staring at him.

      "..Yeah! Y-you uh- you did good on your speech!! heh heh.." Jake stuttered out, turning reder and reder by the second.

      The two stared at eachother for what seems like a lifetime. It was like nobody else mattered-the world didn't matter. Stars surrounded them, shining brighter than before. Nobody in the whole galaxy mattered. Besides Drew and Jake. Then-

      "Ughhh. I'm starving. Are we gonna go get some good to eat-or are you two just gonna lovingly stare at eachother for forever?" Henry groaned out, then chuckling near the end, pulling the two boys back into reality. 

      "O-oh. Uhm..." Jake muttered, putting his hand on the back of his neck.

      Still blushing, Drew responded. "Yeah, let's go get some food. I'm pretty sure it's over here.." he said, motioning towards a buffet table, filled with the most tastiest food in the world. There was a girl (around 19 or so..) wearing a bright red dress next to the punch bowl, looking oddly suspicious. 'Weird.' Drew thought.

        "Well what are we waiting for? Lets go eat!!" Liam yelled out, grabbing Henry by the hand and dragging him towards the table.

      Jake chuckled, then began to follow the two. But stoped mid walking-and turned around to look at Drew. "You coming?" He asked.

      "Oh- Yeah..."


      Jake stood next to the buffet table, with a wine glass filled to the brim with fruit punch in his hand, bored. Jake held the wine glass to his mouth, and took a sip. He almost immediately spit it out. 'Ugh.. Somebody spiked the punch.' Jake thought to himself, clearly annoyed. It tasted absolutely horrible, it was really strong, and extremely obvious that someone had added alcohol into it. Jake could handle a little alcohol, but it tasted ghastly. So, he put his glass onto a nearby table, where it would stay the rest of the night.

     Jake walked back to his friends, Henry and Liam were talking to eachother about who knows what, and Drew was by himself, dancing? Or does he just keep on losing his balance?

      "Yo. Don't drink the red punch-someone spiked it." He told Henry and Liam, interrupting their conversation.

      "Really? I thiught since this was a rich people party that nobody would do anything that immature.." Liam said. 

      It was quiet for a little while, "Ooh!!" Henry exclaimed, breaking the silence. He let out a breath of realization. His face looked like he had just invented electricity. "That explains Drew!!"

      Jake straightened up, concerned. "What do you mean by that." He sternly asked, clearly worried and upset.

      "He's had like-50 glasses. I honestly thought he was being weird-turns out he's just super drunk!" Henry replied, not letting the seriousness of the situation sink in.

      "What!!??" Jake raised his voice.

      "Yeah? What's- Oh! ..Oh. oh..." Henry asked confused, but realized mid sentance that that's not good.

       "Ugh.." Jake sighed, calming down a bit. "I'm gonna go take him to my house.." He said, walking towarda Drew, who was countinf his fingers. "Drew? I'm gonna take you to my house. That okay?" 

      Drew ignored him, unaware that Jake is trying to talk to him, and continued counting his fingers. Jake tapped him on the back to get his attention, calling out his name once more. "Drew??"

      Drew finally turned around to look at Jake, and his blush grew the second he saw him. "wOah! HeY theRe haNds0m." Drew told Jake, winking at him. He was clearly wasted. Jake blushed at the compliment, but quickly shook it off. "Drew. You're drun-"

      "Shh..." Drew cut off whatever Jake was about to say by shushing him, putting his fingers over  on top of Jake's mouth. "Listen to the music" He whispered.

      And Jake did. It was a symphony of piano, violin, cello, and more. They all fit togetehr so perfectly, playing the perfect melody. It sounded lovely. Drew cleared his throat, bowed down infront of Jake, got back up and held out his hand to the boy infront of him. "MaY I haVe this dAncE?" And Jake accepted the hand. They dancing a classic ballroom dance, but spiced it up a little, adding a twirl, and a lift every once in a while. They were naturally amazing at it, and it was a miraculous dance. Nobody was watching the two, well, besides Henry and Liam.

      The music came to a stop, and so did they. Drew laughed a bit, then came close to Jake. "ThankS for daNcing wiTh me handSome." He winked, then gave him a kiss on the cheek before wobbling off. "Byee Handsome !!" Drew exclaimed with a hand in the air, then left. 

      Jake stood there on the ballroom floor, with his hand holding the place Drew kisses, happy.


(end. im honestly kinda proud of this, and i think its kinda cute.. ANYWAYS!! nothing happened to Drew in the end, Jake eneded up taking him home and yadada. bye!)

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