the couple after a carnival!! 1/4

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this oneshot includes : (drake not together yet)

-drake (romantic- fluff??)

-lander (romantic)

-juke, jailey (platonic-fluff??)

-the pov switches 

QUICK EXPLANATION: Because I said so, Drew and his father have a tradition where they go to a theme park every year. This year, Drew's dad said no and to just go with a friend instead. (this really hurt Drew's feelings, and impacted him a lot, but he eneded up going with Jake.) Anyways, the two boys go on lots of rides together, scary rides, really tall and steep and blah blah blah all that fun stuff. Jake just attempted at beating a carnival game,(you know-the ones that are scams and impossible to win?) yeah he won, and got a teddy bear. Drew gave Jake a ride home, this takes place after they got out of the car. (or limo ig???)

warnings:: swear words?? 

word count: 675  (just part one-this is a four part oneshot. wow-that sentence def made sense.)


third person pov::

      Jake got out of the limo, with Drew behind him, and turned around to look at the boy, ready to thank him for the day they had. 

      "Uh-uhm. Thanks for going with me Jake!! It was- it was pretty fun.." Drew stuttered, interrupting Jake, who was just about to speak. Drew turned a bright shade of red. But Jake didn't acknowledge it, and returned a thank you. "Nono- thanks for inviting me!! Although I thiught you always went with your dad??" When Jake brought up Drew's father, his face saddened, but Drew quickly brushed it off to respond.

      "Oh I would much rather go with you," Drew muttered, then realized what he had just said, and turned even red. And thank god, Jake didn't hear.

      "Yeah- he was.. he was busy.." Drew told Jake, clearly upset. But Jake didn't think Drew wanted to talk about it, and he was right. Drew didn't. So he brought attention to the more important matter, why was Drew so red?

      "Hey- You okay? Your face is pretty red-Wait! Don't tell me- It's because of that super spinny roller coaster!! I knew we shouldn't have gone on it- I am so sorry!!" Jake apologized more and more.

      "No- it's..(uh) it's not because of that." Drew told Jake, who was starting to get concerned and walked closer to him.

      Jake put his hand onto Drews face, cupping the boys bright red face into the palm of his hand, failing to check his temperature. Which only caused Drew's face to get redder, Jake was just trying  to find out what's wrong with him. But in response, Drew backed away, trying to convince Jake that nothing was wrong and it was all fine. They stood infront of eachother, staring into eachothers eyes. Jake held out his hand, the one with a teddy bear in it, and gestured it towards Drew.

      "Here- I want you to have this." Jake said, motioning the bear at Drew.

      "No-those games are a scam. You deserve it- a LOT more than me. keep it.." He declined, in the nicest way possible. Although he did want it, he didn't want it to seem.. spoiled-or bratty, or toxic.. or just anything. And he especially didn't want to have Jake regret it later.

      "Drew. I genuinely do not care if you decline it. You're keeping it and thats final," Jake told Drew, once again, motioning the bear towards him. "Please. Its the least I can do to thank you.." Jake did his soft smile, and just like that, Drew took the bear, severely blushing.

--- ----

drew's pov::

      Jake held out a stuffed bear infront of me, I would decline it, like before, but his smile. his smile... god that smile. It was just so-perfect. I accepted it, knowing that my face was buring bright red, and.. I- I didn't know what to do-or what to say.. so i- 

      i kissed him.


(the end!! next parts will be drews pov, jakes pov, and then the finale pov!! i had to turn this into some sort of fiur part story... anyway- i hope you liked this one shot!!!!)

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