Chapter Forty-Nine

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The Spit - Port Cressida

Sophie Reese

I walked out of the Old Mermaid Tavern with the landlord's phone in my hand, feeling like a girl boss. Finally, I had a breakthrough. This phone was the first connection we had to the Lady in Green.

I tucked the phone into my bra - there was no way that I was losing this phone.

I then checked my pocket to see if the ring of thorns was still there, keeping me hidden from the demons that wanted to eat my heart.

"How much time do we have left?" I asked Jacques.

The protection enchantment on the ring of thorns was limited. The old witch had warned us that we needed to be back at the lodge by sun-up. Otherwise, we would be at the mercy of hungry demons. We must have an hour or so to return safely to the lodge, but first, we needed to find the witch named 'Marie'.

Jacques anxiously glanced at his watch and replied, "We have an hour."

An hour was barely enough time to get back to the lodge. We needed at least another two hours to find and speak to Marie.

"How big is the market," I asked.

"It's massive. There are hundreds of vendors," Jacques replied.

My heart sank. Mia was dying, and if she died, then Luc would follow her to the grave. Both their children would become orphans, and the Lady in Green would have claimed another two victims.

"I should take you back," Jacques sighed.

"Should you? Mia does need us," I replied.

Jacques shook his head softly and turned away from me. He wanted to save Mia but also needed to keep me safe.

I reached up and gently touched his arm. He looked down at me with eyes filled with conflict.

"She needs us," I whispered, staring into his eyes.

He wrinkled his nose and groaned, "I know, but I don't want to watch you become a demon sandwich."

I bumped my shoulder against his and grinned, "I'd make lunchmeat out of any demon who tried to take a bite out of me."

A brief smile flashed across his face, and he sighed, "Okay, but we will need to move quickly. Are you wearing any jewellery?"

"Only my wedding ring," I said.

"Give it to me," Jacques instructed.

I slipped the gold band off my ring finger and passed it to Jacques. He took it and took my arm, leading me down the cobbled street towards the market.

I followed behind him, wondering what he had planned for my ring.

The entrance to the market lay ahead of us. It appeared to be one of many entrances into the market. A small wooden sign read 'This Way to Stalls'.

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