Chapter Fifty-Seven

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The Royal Hunting Lodge

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The Royal Hunting Lodge

Sophie Ashe

I would have murdered Rudolph if Casper hadn't come up behind me, grabbed my waist, and pulled me back into a servants' corridor. Nico and his security team attempted to defuse the situation with Rudolph and Jacques.

I twisted myself out of Casper's grip and swung around to face him. I clenched my fists into tight balls as I yelled, "How could you give Christie to that monster?"

He flinched at my words, and his eyes pleaded silently with mine for understanding or empathy, but I had nothing for him. Then, finally, he reached a hand out to touch me. Maybe he thought the physical contact might ignite our bond, and I would throw him a lifeline. But, instead, I rejected his touch and slapped his hand away from me.

"Don't you dare," I warned, my voice shaking with rage. "Christie and Jacques are mates. They are meant to be together. Jacques is your best friend - how could you do this to him?."

Casper's shoulders sagged as he struggled to find the right words to defend the undefendable. He was giving his best friend's mate to another man incapable of love or kindness.

"I had no choice," he eventually admitted. "Rudolph brought security videos from the landlord of the Mermaid Inn. He has a video of you in a silver tavern with Jacques. If that video went public, it would end my reign. I can't put my people through any more trauma. I can't risk another civil war breaking out and tearing apart our Kingdom. I'm sorry for Christie, and I'm even sorrier for Jacques. But it's a small price to pay for the greater good."

Through the thick wall of rage, I started to feel his anguish chipping away at me. I loathed seeing the lost look in his eyes. It made me want to go and comfort him as a mate should. But at the same time, I wanted to rip out his beating heart for being so fucking weak.

"Can't we exile Rudolph? Or kill him" I asked.

"Sophie, every week, I considered arranging Rudolph's assassination," Casper replied in an exasperated tone. "It is no great secret that there is no love between my family and his. However, Rudolph has supporters who would retaliate against my family and me if he turned up dead. Unfortunately, being King does not mean I can get my own way."

I shook my head, hurt and confused. I didn't want to be trampled on by people like Rudolph. I didn't want to rule a society that was unfair and cruel towards people without the power or money to defend themselves.

I stepped back from Casper, suddenly not wanting to be his Queen. I could never be complacent with this injustice. It was in my nature to fight for what was right.

"If you won't kill him, then I will," I said, turning on my heel and storming out of the room.

Casper ran after me, calling my name frantically, but I didn't care. A red haze fell over my eyes. I had to destroy my enemy.

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