Chapter Sixty

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Sophie Ashe

The Mountain

We headed up into the snowy mountains towards the location of the abandoned car. I sat in the front seat with a terrible ache in my heart. I thought about Casper and what we had discussed on the lake's shore. He had finally confessed that his greatest fear was being taken away from me, just as he had been taken away and imprisoned in a concrete cell many years ago. And now, it had happened again. Rayne had come and bound him with silver and taken him away from me. Casper couldn't help me now. My fairy tale prince was now relying on me to save his pretty ass from a wicked demon and his evil Aunt.

Fury boiled in my veins, and I thought about how I would avenge my poor husband when this was over. I would go Game of Thrones on Rudolph. I would have him marched through the streets and proclaimed a traitor, then have him publicly executed - hung, drawn and quartered. His entrails would decorate the city wall - although I don't think we had a city wall.

The bloodthirsty thoughts caused my fangs to protract downwards into my mouth. Nico glanced sideways at my mouth and asked, "Are you hungry?"

"No. I'm just thinking about murder," I hummed, visualising gifting Rudolph's head to Christie and Jacques at their wedding.

Nico didn't ask any further questions as I smiled to myself.

We travelled twenty minutes to the site of the abandoned car. The journey was slow and arduous as the road was covered in snow and black ice. Nico parked the SUV behind the car and peered out the window.

"I don't see any demons," he murmured.

"Good. Let's hope they got the message that if they fuck with me, they will end up dead," I replied.

A flicker of a smile crossed Nico's face. I think he was starting to warm to my badass energy vibes.

I stepped onto the road and gripped the door handle so I didn't accidentally fly onto my ass. The road was a sheet of ice, and the only safe place to stand was on the snowy verge next to the shadowy tree line.

"Keep away from the trees," Nico growled a warning, "We don't know what is hiding there."

"You don't need to tell me twice," I replied, reaching for the tiny knife at my hip.

I wrapped my hand around the blade handle and felt the metal warm against my fingers. There was something off about this knife.

Nico glanced about and said, "There is nothing here. The car is abandoned, and the fresh snow has buried Octavia's trial."

I spun around and scanned the road, trees and shadows. Nothing was out of the ordinary except for a small owl sitting high above us on a branch.

"I know that owl," I said.

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