Chapter Sixty-One

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Sophie Ashe

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Sophie Ashe

The Mountain

I stand my ground and fight the bile rising in my throat. The demon devoured Octavia in two bites, clothes and all. There was nothing left of her aside from a few smatterings of blood peppered across the snow.

The demon lifts it revolting mishapen head towards me and yawns. Its mouth filled with several rows of razor sharp teeth covered in blood and strands of Octavia's lovely blonde hair. It's dark eyes narrow on me, and I get the impression that I'm dessert to this thing.

A sniffling sound distracts me and I see Gwendolyn shedding a few tears for her mother. The demon cranes it giant head towards its daughter and makes a low hissing sound. Gwendolyn flutters her eyelashes as she replies tearfully, "I know it's silly. We all agreed this would happen, but I will miss mom."

The demon utters a growl and Gwendolyn wipes away her tears with the back of her sleeve. "Yes, yes. We must carry on. I will go to the woods and greet your soldiers. The portal should have opened now and they will coming through."

The portal? Was this the portal the witch had mentioned a few nights ago? She had said that the black rot covering the trees were hairline fractures between our world and Hell. Octavia's sacrifice might have been the final push to widen that fracture into an actual gateway.

Gwendolyn gestured dismissively towards me and said, "The soldiers will be expecting you, Father. Please dipose of her quickly, so we can properly welcome them. Afterwards, we'll need to 'clear' out the lodge of any remaining staff and guests. Then we shall have the perfect place to wait for my baby to be born."

The demon swung it's grotesque head back to me and took a step towards me. Suddenly, I was tyring to remember every words of advice Nico gave me as he chased me around the ballroom with a sword.

I needed to keep my distance and pray that my demon slaying powers kicked in before that thing devoured me in two bites.

I stared back at the demon and whispered, "Come on you, ugly bastard. Come and get me. I'm not going to let you win. I won't let you hurt Mia."

Gwendolyn heard Mia's name and replied with a raised an eyebrow, "Now the portal is open , you can have Mia back. She's no longer a threat to me and my child."

"She was never a threat to you," I snapped. "You tore a mother away from her two children. You tried to destroy her family."

Gwendolyn let out a humorless laugh and retorted, "And I am trying to protect my family. Mia is a damn necromancer. She can talk to the dead! I didn't want any ghosts blabbing to her about our rituals in the woods."

"Mia is a necromancer? " Cool, that makes me like her even more," I say out loud. "I can't wait to kill your ugly-bird-faced-pa and set her free. We are going to have so much to talk about."

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