Chapter 19

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*Harry's POV*

I wake up to the sound of someone groaning, looking down into my arms I see Mckenzie, laid with her eyes scrunched shut and frowning while soft groans fall from her perfect lips

'Kenz?' I shake her gently and she groans louder but finally opening her eyes 'what's wrong?'
'Hangover, my head hurts so bad' and I have laugh a little

'Do you remember last night?'
'Yeah I always remember, I get a hangover but I can always remember the night before perfectly' I smile at her and get up from the bed

I approach the kitchen in search for some food for her, I know she has a medicine cabinet out here so I quickly get some Advil for her headache, I made some pancakes, collect a fresh bottle of water from the fridge because she refuses to drink from tap and walk back to the bedroom

She opens her eyes to see me enter and shows me her winning smile, 'aw Harry thank you so much' she sits up as I pass her the tray

'So... Would you like me to come with you to tell them?' She sighs
'Yes please. I've already called Cole and told him to tell Spence, about it. I just need to tell the three downstairs'

'It will be okay'
'I just don't know how they will react to this, how they will feel'
'And how do you feel?'
'Its horrible that he's died, but I'm relieved that he isn't around to hurt me or them anymore. He can't hit me or any of us again. Does that make me a bad person?'

'No. Your hurt because he's your dad but your glad because your abuser is gone. I understand' as I finish I reach out and gently cup her face, her bruise soft skin touching my finger tips.

She leans into my touch and closes her eyes at the feel of my skin against hers. As her eyes are shut I lean forward slowly and place a single kiss to her lips, it's soft and tender. No movement, no tongue. Just my lips touching hers, I can sense the shock but she doesn't pull back, she applies a slight pressure before we both pull back

'Come on eat up and we will go tell them' I stand and walk to the bathroom before I come to a halt 'and if you ever be so fucking stupid to drive home drunk again I will destroy your car.' I see her nod as I finish but she can't hide the smile that's making it's way to her lips

After finally getting dressed and making her eat we are making our way to their apartment, Mckenzie had called earlier to make sure they stayed in for us to come round.

I can see that she is nervous and unsure of what she is to say to them, without over thinking it to much I reach over wrapping my arm around her waist and lean down pressing my lips to her in a soft and soothing gesture

She kisses me back before we slowly pull away and I drop my arm from her waist just as my arm reaches my side she opens the door with her own copy of their key

They are all sat watching TV when we enter, as they look up they gasp at the sight of her face. 'Oh my god' I hear Zac, he had known how she had got it but it had considerably worsened

'What happened?' 'Mckenzie who done this?' Emily and Hannah question at the same time. She sighs and pulls me to the couch I had left her on yesterday morning alone

'Dad done this when I went to see him the other night'
'Oh my god, he said he wouldn't hit you again' I stiffen at the thought of him hitting her as she grew up, she must have noticed as she lays a hand to my thigh to calm me down

'Thats not important'
'To hell it's not, of course it is. That fucking bastard-'
'Zac sit down now' she raises her voice looking at him, he falters under her glare as he huffs and sits back down

I'm impressed at the control and authority she holds, 'listen.... I got a call yesterday to notify me that... Our father had been in an accident' she stops to search their faces for emotion but they don't hold any so she continues 'he died on impact'

There's a silence between us all before Zac speaks 'so do you want to get the champagne or should I?' She glares at him and he shuts up
'Kenz, what is it you want us to do? He was never a father to us so how can we miss or morn over someone who was never there. And I will not be going to his funeral so don't bother with that' Hannah explains

'I know Han, this is your choice, if you want to go I will take you if you don't we won't go. We will not celebrate his death but we will certainly not morn his death. However it is your choice'

'I don't want to go'
'Me either'
'I will not be attending that mans funeral' they all speak with such determination and it hits me that he must have hurt three so much more than they have let on

'Okay none of us will go. Why don't I pay for you to visit your Aunt in Spain. You know Natalie, she would love to see you'
'Well I will book the flights for you to fly out tomorrow. Get packing while I call Natalie'

As she stands and leave the phone I look at the three teenagers 'so how are you really?' I question
'We are fine, he was no father he done terrible terrible things to us- Zac pauses and looks at Hannah before continuing- things he should be in jail for and things we would never forgive him for. We all got out fair share of torture from him and we are glad it's over. This is Mckenzie's way of protecting us, sending us to Spain. She has done it every time something big has happened'

'How often is it she sends you to Spain? And why?'
'She would send us there when things got difficult at home. We had gone 8 times one year and that doesn't include the time she took us to Cornwall 5 times. To simply get away from his harsh torture'

I gape at her words. What had he done to them? What could he have done to warrant jail time. 'He er one thing he had done to us all or tried to do. Was rape us. All of us. Mckenzie stopped him. I don't know how but she would come in, because she heard us scream or shout, before he could and get him from the room, he tried it multiple times for a year straight and eventually never tried again'

'Did - did he ever you know er rape her?'
'She always says no. But I remember once walking in and she was on the floor, she had bruises all over her and when I asked what happened she had said that he beat her. But there was something in her eyes, something more had happened'

'Emily! I told you not to speak of that' her voice is filled with anger and when I see her she is unsure of what to do
'I er I'm sorry Kenz' Emily stutters

'What happened in that room Kenz? You need to tell us?' Hannah speaks out
'Nothing. He beat me until I passed out'

'Why were your clothes ripped?' Emily breaths out . I just sit shocked confused unsure what to do, what to offer

'He ripped clothes from me to show me the whore I was because I had slept with someone. I got pregnant. And when I told him he told me that he would treat me like the whore I was. He stripped me, beat me... He beat me so badly. I lost the baby'

Before I register what I am doing I stand to my feet and walk towards her, pulling her to my arms and cradling her body. 'Im sorry he done that to you' I whisper as she buries herself further into me.

She clings to me so tightly but I don't mind as I wasn't going to let go anytime soon. There was no way I was letting her go from my arms. 'Have you sorted everything for their flight?'
She nods slowly

'Guys go pack, your flight is tomorrow' I speak and they stand looking hesitant before leaving to pack

'Its okay baby, I'm here. I got you. Im not letting you go' as I tighten my grip to the strongest women I've seen in my arms

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