Chapter 20

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*Harry's POV*

After that night things had been different. Not because I saw her any different, I didn't pity or feel sorry for her well she had demanded that I didn't

But I saw her as the most strongest determined and beautiful woman I had seen in my life. I admire her more than I had ever admired anyone. I was always selfish, always thinking about myself and what was truly best for me

I have never cared for anyone's feelings, or anyone's thoughts, opinions anything. I have always thought of myself, work and so what I have to do, drink, sleep with some desperate girl and move on. Get my pleasure and leave it at that

But.... There's something different with Mckenzie. She was like me in some ways, she was hard working determined and no matter what happened she went to work. She doesn't cry or break down but control the situation. She is like me in every aspect but she believes in dating, in relationships- I don't

I had spent the last few days with her, when I wasn't at work and when she wasn't. Although on a few occasions I had either gone to her office or her to mine and we would work on a project we were doing together, with my work or hers

It was something I loved, something I have started to crave, her attention, her touch, her everything. We had share me a few not intimate moments of pleasure. Whether she had pleasure me or I her. Although never sex but surprisingly it hasn't bothered me

Yesterday she had kindly pleasured me. I didn't know how we had got into that situation but before I knew what was happening she was down on her knees, using her amazingly pretty little lips to wrap themselves around me as she swirled her tongue

It was breathtaking literally I struggled to breath through the moans that escaped my lips, she was phenomenal. In every aspect of her being

We had arranged that after work we would go for a meal, at our favourite restaurant Sins. It had been a regular thing for me to either take her out or relax in her apartment each evening, only ever going back home when I needed to change

Her siblings had left 3 days ago and were to be gone for a few weeks until the funeral is over with at least

I was currently on my way to Sins, I was running slightly late but I had texted her to explain about a employee I had to speak with. That's another thing she was understanding, I had rarely seen her lose her temper, once being with that employee when she fired her and with her parents are the time I had seen her look angry

As I enter the restaurant I can already see Mckenzie sat looking beautifully breath taking. She was dressed in her red dress which reached her mid thigh, the dress wasn't low cut but shower her prominent collarbones. It was so simply gorgeous

I slowly approach her as I see her looking tense, she looks agitated, angry even. I move around the corner and see Cecilia and the girl she had fired from the office stood before her

I could just hear what they were saying
'What happened to your face? Your mouth finally caught up with you?' Cecilia- her voice was recognisable wherever you went

Mckenzie's face had recovered but you could still see the healing cut and the faded bruise.

'I wouldn't say so no. Now would you please stop harassing me, some people have had work today and I am not in the mood to deal with you'
'At least you have yourself a job, you selfish bitch'

She lets out a laugh 'it is not my fault you were an incompetent little girl and it is not my fault that you were a clingy and simple fuck' I stifle the laugh that threatens to bubble over, I wanted to intervene but I couldn't, I wanted to see what was to happen

'How dare you speak to us in such way?'
'How dare you stand before me yelling at me when I am trying to have dinner.'
'What you got no one with you? All on your own?'
'No I am waiting for them' I could tell by her voice that she was tired, exhausted even from this stupid conversation

'Well I know your little siblings aren't here... Where they run off to. To leave you, aw did they finally get some brains?' Before I could comprehend Mckenzie was out of her seat and was furious

'You speak of them one more fucking time and I won't be accountable for my actions. I can pay for bail, can you?' My eyes widen at her stance, she looks ready to pounce on them. Shes furious and prepared for whatever, that proves with her statement

'Oh did I touch a soft spot. Well tell me who your with tonight? I can see Harry finally got bored of you just like your siblings'

I walked towards them just in time to catch Mckenzie from launching her self at them. Wrapping an arm around her waist I bring her into my side which she instantly cuddles into

'You have to the count of 3 to leave this fucking restaurant, I will not hesitate to remove your useless slutty selves from here myself. And don't you dare go near Mckenzie or her family again'

They stare gaping and I'm not sure whether it is from my harsh words or from the way I am so comfortably holding Mckenzie and in public. No one has ever seen my be so affectionate to another, no one except Mckenzie


They close their hanging mouths


They look at each other

'3. Leave NOW' they scurry away like they are on fire. I watch them leave before I turn to Mckenzie

'Shall we sit baby?'
She nods in my grip and takes a seat
'Are you okay?'
'I was going to kill them'
'Yeah I heard but it's okay you can pay for bail'

I laugh out and she joins me with laughing ' you heard?'
'Oh I heard alright, you are continuously surprising me Miss Keating'
'As are you Mr Styles'

'Come on, let eat and we can go back to yours and watch a movie. How's that sound baby?'

Mckenzie Keating. She's stolen something of mine that I can't live without. I know I can't let her go. But can I really do this, can I really be what she needs

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