Chapter 26

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*Mckenzie's POV*

I listen to his words, but I don't seem to absorb them as I stare at him my eyes wider slightly and completely confused by his actions earlier and his words now. He watches me intently his breathing slightly heavier as he watches me

'I- I- Harry. I know you wanted me that was obvious by your actions and words earlier. You wanted to sleep with me and that's all. I'm simply a conquest to you so please don't fuck me about with all this shit now.' He goes to speak but I stop him by continuing and standing slowly

'Harry look at me. - he avoids eye contact so I raise my voice- Look at me Harry. Now. - as he looks at me his eyes sadden- Harry I'm exhausted of whatever is happening here. Your caring, protective, jealous, the amount of times you've called me yours is uncountable. You hold me all the time and you always find a way to touch me. I don't understand what it is you want or you think you want. But please just stop. I have someone targeting me, my father and abuser has just died. Please stop'

I stand still as my breaths are heavy and laboured, he stares and breaths before he opens his mouth 'Kenzie I- I for fucks sake! This is hard enough with out you doubting me. I don't say how I feel I don't do anything that makes me weak so please just for once shut your god damn mouth and listen to me'

I blink, that's all I do. I have nothing to say. What could I say? I tried to protect myself by trying to get him to stop but he doesn't want to. He wants to talk so I guess I have to let him. I silently nod and sit back down, he sits beside me and stares for a moment to wait I guess just incase I speak

'Okay. Please stay quiet. I am truly sorry for my behaviour today. I couldn't believe I was saying those things to you, the hurt I saw flash in your eyes before you covered it like you always do will stay with me, I never want to be the cause of that again.

Your not some conquest that I must win. But I simply must have you, by having you I mean in every way possible. I want to hold you, make you laugh, comfort you when you cry, protect you, pick you up when your drunk, laugh when you say something silly, I want to care for you and see you smile everyday because of me.

I want to see you bite the inside of your cheek when your concentrating, I want to see that one dimple on your right side cheek when you really laugh or smile. I want to watch how you will gently turn in your sleep. How you try not to push your hand through your hair but you can't help it. You are so much more than anyone has ever been or will be

I don't know how this works heck I have no fucking idea, I'm confused to feel this way because I never have. But I want to try with you, I want you to be only mine and I only yours. I know your having a shit time but I want to be the one to kick the ass of the person targeting you and I want to be the one to hold you if I ever see you cry again'

He takes a breath and I watch for a few minutes to see if he is to continue but when he stares at me I realise he is waiting for a response but I have none. None that would be sufficient to all that he has told me, all that he has said.

I watch as he puffs out the air from his lungs and stands, I still say nothing watching as he turns to head towards the door. I slowly stand to my feet and silently follow after him.

He reaches for the door handle and as he clicks open the door my voice appears to have come back 'Harry'

He turns slowly and I can see he is shocked to see me so close. I have nothing I could say that would be enough after all he had said tonight.

So I simply walk closer and push him into the door slamming it shut. He looks at me confused, unsure how to react to what's happening

I don't give him anytime, I wrap my arms around his neck and crash my lips to his, the kiss is different from the others , it's fast, filled with passion, lust just everything.

My lips move against his as my hands thread through his hair tugging slightly to earn a deep groan from his lips, I swallow his moans as he does mine.

His hand on my waist pulling my body against his. He finally takes a step forward which makes me step back. Walking backwards as I continue to kiss him, his hands travel to my thighs and applies slight pressure telling me to jump.

As I do he easily catches me, wrapping my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck I am closer to his body more than ever before. I giggle as he does a small spin before slamming me down on the couch.

We separate as he stare at each other. Our eyes hungry and our actions hi goer to feel each other. I utter the simply sentence I have to offer which I know he will understand

'I will teach you'

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