Chapter 1 - Liam's POV

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Liam's POV

Everything was going well, Louis and Harry were best friends and were inseparable, never went a day without talking either on the phone or in person. Always used to snuggle together, most people would say this wasn't what best friends did, especially not male best friends but that was the best part of their friendship, they had no boundaries which made everything fine, nothing was every awkward between the two. If I'm honest it was a great friendship while it lasted, oh no I don't mean they fell out, oh heavens no. I mean it was great until they became more than friends.

To start with it was all "friends with benefits" kind of thing, maybe a hand job here are there and that was about all, but they never admitted to being more than friends nor did any of us question it. This all started out when one day I noticed that Harry and Louis were playing a game. It was a pretty simple game, who could make the other blush the most or make things awkward for them in situations to make things worse, it was a pretty funny game that I enjoyed watching up until things started to get a little out of hand.

One day, Harry took it a little too far when we were in band practise. He started off by whispering into Louis ear, I couldn't exactly hear what he was saying but it sure of hell had some effect on Louis, I'm not sure if it was just me or what not but I'm pretty sure he twitched and I could see a little bulge in his jeans (and no before you get any ideas I was not looking down there on purpose) anyways, as I was saying they normally did this so it didn't bother me too much, I knew they were there to make each other feel embarrassed that was the aim of the game right?, well so I thought until I could practically see Harry behind the amp moving slowly towards Louis on his chair, sitting on his lap and straddling him with his hand around his neck.

Me personally this would have been out of my comfort zone but to be quite honest, I don't think they had comfort zones plus Lou put his arms around Harry's waist and smirked a little as if to say "You're not going to make me embarrassed that easily." It was all so amusing so I turned away to see what Niall and Zayn were talking about just to distract myself and give them a little privacy at playing their game, although that was probably the worst thing I could have done because I think Harry noticed that I was watching and the minute I took my eyes of him, they were gone. Probably into the bathroom, but I didn't dare ask them about it when they got out, even though Harry and Louis did have sex eyes.

That's where it pretty much started and from there on it's been the same ever since, I really hope they would make up their minds if they're a couple or not because it's driving me insane. They would totally make a cute couple though. Oh my gosh Liam stop thinking like that you can't couple up two of your best mates! even if they are fucking around (I think).

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