Chapter 9 - Management

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Harry's POV

We had about 3 days left of our vacation and we were spending the morning of it in the office with management. Something that I didn't really like doing. Don't get me wrong I love our management team, but when I could be cuddling on the sofa with Lou, well that's a different story. It was way too early in the morning for me to actually be alive let alone talk to management about god knows whatever they wanted us here for. I didn't have a clue what they actually wanted to talk to us about, I mean we already know our schedule for when we get of vacation, maybe something’s changed or that? ahh I don't know might as well just wait and see.

As we were waiting outside of the office in the little space that's not really a waiting room, more like a business room, me and Lou stayed about best friend distance, since management didn't know about us yet and we didn't really want to tell them, not knowing how they would react and everything. Although it was weird that it was only me, Lou, Liam and Niall that were called down to this meeting and not Zayn as well, I mean if it was a band thing you would have thought they would invite us all down, right? Maybe he was just busy with Perrie and couldn't make it, I don't know.

We waited for about 15 minutes, just talking about random stuff before the receptionist Amanda I think her name is popped her head in the door and said "Bobby, Claire and Ryan will see you now" Oh thank god it's them, I really didn't want to have Dave he's really homophobic and he doesn't like me and Lou at all, especially after we played football with some scrunched up paper and Lou kicked it right in his face. We thought it was so funny, but he didn't seem to think so, Shesh he has no sense of humour.

As we sat down around the table, me then Lou then Niall and Liam, I could see that management didn't have any paper or anything laying around the desk like they normally do. It was just them, no clip boards no nothing, hmmm I really do wonder what this will be about. "So boys, I guess you're all probably wondering what you're doing here?" Claire asked in a friendly, yet serious tone as we all nodded our heads. "Well, we've received information that you, Harry and Louis are in a relationship, the same as Liam and Niall are." oh great, who was the big fucking blabber mouth? hmm. I changed a couple of glances with the rest of the boys not exactly knowing what to say. I was just about to open my mouth when Liam spoke up "Yes, we are, why?" I could see a little smirk growing on all their faces before Ryan spoke up. "Well let us be the first to congratulate you and we hope that you are very happy together and may it last long." I smiled, knowing this is why I love these people as our management. "But boys, I hope that you know if any of you couples split up, there could be a major problem because if you can't speak to each other that will put strains on the band and we don't want that to happen, I know it's very unlikely for you to split up, I mean we've seen this coming from day one and have been preparing for it ever since." And there's the sensible line, I just seen it coming.

After about another few minutes of talking about how we're sure we won't break up and how everything is going to go fine, Liam had to ask the question. "So, does this mean that you're going to let us come out? Or do we need to hide it" I was dreading the answer to that, I really didn't want to have to hide it. I've seen what some people have to go through and it's horrible, I don't think I would be able to do it. I also didn't really want to come out just now, maybe in a few weeks’ time but not right now. I wasn't ready for that and I didn't think Lou, Niall and Liam were either. "Well boys, this is what we've been thinking about and we say that you should be able to come out whenever you want to, you don't have to do it right now but you can when you want and we won't stop you. Just please, keep everything on the down low and by that I mean don't go too far in public alright?" I couldn't believe it, were management actually letting us do this? Really after Dave being the boss and being homophobic, he's letting us come out? Although I don't think it's really his choice to be honest our management team is basically Claire, Bobby and Ryan. Anyways, this is amazing news, I couldn't believe it, it's in our own hands to come out whenever we want and however we want. I can't wait to talk to Lou about how everything’s going to happen. I'm so excited ahhhh! Okay calm Styles calm!

Guys, I know this is another short chapter but I'm sorry I didn't know exactly what to write. By the way did you like my twist of how management were actually nice for once? anyways tell me what you think please! and thank you for reading/voting. The next chapter shall be up tomorrow and there's only going to be another 2 chapters after that. I'm actually enjoying writing this so if you have any prompts or anything you want me to write for you I'll happily do them just send me them in my ask on tumblr and I'll get around to them! My tumblr is and I will follow you back if you follow me! I love you all!xxxx

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