Chapter 11 - 10 Years Later

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Liam's POV

Today was our 10th year of being together, but was also our 7th year of being married. I couldn't believe It's been 10 years that me and Niall have been together. It doesn't seem like that long, everything’s been so perfect that I couldn't ask for anything more. I should probably get you up to date on what's been happening over the past 10 years.

After we came out, the first year together was hard in the media, but it got better within the next 2 years. In our third year of being together, Niall proposed to me. I wasn't expecting it but obviously said yes so later that year we got married. We spent about another 3 years together before we adopted our first child, his names James, which is funny since both mine and Nialls middle name is James. He's now 10, we adopted him when he was 6, he settled in well and got used to the idea of having 2 dads. About 2 years later we had Aria. This lovely girl called Mia offered to segregate for us, she said that she's been a fan for ages and that she would be happy to help. So we said yes, and she's now a long term family friend. Aria is now 2 and she's just the cutest. 

Oh, I forgot to mention how the other boys are getting on. Harry and Louis are still together, they're happily married with 3 kids. They got married the year before we did when Harry asked Lou to marry him when we were in Canada. Their wedding was amazing, and I couldn't be happier for them. Their kids are, Darcy aged 15 now, they adopted her within a year of their marriage when she was 8, she's a lovely girl and is always sticking up for her dads. Then there's Ryan who's 9 the same as James, he was adopted when he was 5, he's adorable but still doesn't get everything with the two dads thing, he's also a little shit. Don't tell Haz and Lou I said that, but he's always getting into trouble. Last but not least is Megan, who's only just 3. She was adopted just after birth, the woman didn't want her so they put her up for adoption. They were lucky to get her so early on and they spoil her to bits. She's really going to be a madam when she grows up.

Ahh, now onto Zayn. The only straight guy in the band, well, half straight I guess. Anyways, He's been on and off dating for a while, the first couple of years he was dating a girl named Perrie, she was lovely and they did get engaged but I don't think he was felt she was the one. They broke up and he started dating some other girl named Alisa. I didn't like her personally but Zayn seemed to, so I didn't say anything. It didn't last very long though, only a few months, thank god. About 4 years ago though, he met this lovely bloke called Kieran. They've been friends since then, but I'm pretty sure they're dating and he hasn't told us. I'm not exactly sure, although they do make a cute couple. I wouldn't be surprised if he is dating him to be honest, they are very close.

Anyways, Now that you're all caught up to what's been happening. I'll have to go look after the kids, Niall's playing with them and that usually ends in someone getting hurt. Mainly because he tickles them till they cry, but whatever, it's nice to have some family time.

"Hun, bring the kids through, I'm going to put on a movie" I shouted, hearing a lot of footsteps come running towards me, with 2 kids jumping on me and my husband standing laughing. "What film are we going to watch daddy?" Aria said, looking all cute and innocent meaning that she wanted to pick. I chuckled as I moved the kids to the side before getting up and picking a film. I picked one from way back when I was a kid. I knew that they hadn't seen it because they never wanted to watch "old films" so I thought this would be a great time to show them one of my favourite movies of all time, and it also happened to be the film that me and Niall were watching when he asked me out. "We're going to be watching a film from when I was younger, it's a really great film, you'll love it. It's called Toy Story!" I heard a few sighs and some laughter as I put the DVD on and sat on the sofa beside my husband, putting my arm around him as he put his head oh my chest, just like we had the first time. As the kids lay down on the floor in front of the TV with a blanket, I couldn't help but look up into Niall's eyes and say "I love you" before I pecked his lips, It wasn't a long kiss but it made us both smile. "I love you 2"

Okay guys, I'm sorry that this is like days late, but I've been busy and shit. I'm also sorry that it's not long nor good but I didn't know what to write and this was the last chapter so I wanted to end it cute and Idk okay don't judge me. Tell me what you think of it? c: and since this was the last chapter, I will be taking One Shot ideas in my ask on tumblr or in my inbox on here. I don't know if I'll be writing another chaptered fic because I don't have much time for them but I will be doing one shots so just leave me ideas yeah? I love writing but I'm not very good at it, I think I'm best at writing smut but I don't know so please let me know what you think? I love you all for reading and voting thank you so much.

My tumblr is http:/ if you want to follow me and my ask is if you want to leave me a message!!xxx

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