Chapter 5 - Larry

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Louis POV

Wow, I couldn't believe that I done that! I knew that there was feelings growing for Harry and I knew that he would never ever like me back so why did I just do that?. I was mentally killing myself, until I realised he kissed me back, with as much passion as I kissed him, that has to mean something right?. I started getting all excited and hoping that he did like me back, but it quickly faded when I realised, I'm not gay, am I? No I'm not and neither is Harry. It's just because we're spending a lot of time together right? No I'm sure I have feelings for him, but we can't be together management won't allow it and I'm pretty sure he doesn't feel the same way about it as I do, I mean it was probably just in the head of the moment kind of thing right?

As I was pacing around my room trying to make sense off all this I heard a knock at my bedroom door. It was probably Harry, shit!. "Come in" I spoke softly hoping that my voice will hold out. As he entered the room I could see how amazing he looked, and I knew that I definitely had feelings for him. I'd never felt like this about a girl before and it was probably because I like men. Wow ok that sounds really weird to say, maybe it's just Harry? Oh well, all I know is that I love him and I really need to try and make him see this. I was taken out of my thoughts when Harry coughed, shit I completely ignored him. "Sorry Haz, what did you say?" I say awkwardly scratching my arm while sitting down on the edge of my bed. Harry came and sat beside me and I couldn't help but turn to face him and sit with my legs crossed looking into his gorgeous eyes. They really were the most beautiful eyes ever. Lou stay focused on what Harry's saying! "As I said Lou, I was wondering if we could talk about the kiss?" He replied, looking down at the floor, my heart was aching, I couldn't bare seem him nervous so I pulled him into a hug. "Yeah sure Haz, what's on your mind?" I reply calmly, which I'm surprised I could even do, at this moment in time I felt like I was freaking out on the inside. I could see he was trying to get his words together, because his eyebrows were dipped and kind of knitted together in the cute little way he does when he's thinking, he truly is adorable. "C'mon Haz, spit it out?" I say lowly rubbing circles on his back. I knew what he was going to say, I knew that he was going to say this is wrong and that he doesn't have feelings for me in that way and that I'm a freak, But I also knew we had to talk about it, and get it over and done with, otherwise everything would be awkward between us and I didn't want that.

After about a minute of pure silence, I heard him take a deep breath "Lou, I know you're probably going to hate me after this but, I have feelings for you, and no before you say anything not like a little crush. I mean like I love you, and I think I have ever since the day we met, but I never knew back then and well when you kissed me I felt something, It felt so right but so wrong at the same time. It's like we're meant to be together yet somehow it feels like we're not. I know you're going to call me a freak and that you're just my best friend and nothing more, but I had to tell you."  He said it so fast that it took me a few minutes to register what he had said. I couldn't believe it, he felt the same way. Harry Styles actually fucking loves me, oh my god Lou don't fan girl c'mon stay alive!.

I couldn't even progress words, I was that excited. I just started at Harry with this stupid grin on my face for a few minutes until he sighed again and went to get up. Before I knew what I was doing I had grabbed his hand, entwined our fingers together and had pulled him back down onto the bed on top of me, catching his lips in mine. It was all perfect, everything was turning out the way I hoped it would. I pulled away and rested my head against his, looking him straight in the eye and saying "Haz, I love you too. I've been walking around my room for the past hour trying to make sense of all this. Trying to figure out if you liked me too. I guess everything turned out alright."

I noticed him smile before he pressed his lips to mine again in a sweet but short kiss. "So Lou" He said taking a small pause and a breath before continuing "Will you be my boyfriend?" I smiled so much I think my cheeks were going to fall off. "Harry, of course I will" I replied before wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him even closer, which I don't think was possible.

We lay entwined for what felt like ages but was probably only a few minutes before Harry spoke up "Babe, what about management and the boys?" I sighed knowing that we would have to tell them sooner or later, but I figured that later would be the best option. "Haz, we can tell them later, but for now can we just keep things between us?, I just want to have you all to myself for a while without anyone getting on our case" I noticed him smile before he lay down on my bed and gestured for me to come lay on his chest. I could definitely get used to this. Harry was my boyfriend, my boyfriend. God that felt good to say!.


So guys, I've been updating this like everynight and It's going well, I have it all planned out and everything so the next chapter is going to be a chpater full of Larry sex, If that's alright? c: Let me know what you think please!! I love you all for reading and voting thank you!!xx

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