Chapter 10 - Coming Out

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Liam's POV

It has been a couple of weeks since we had the meeting with management, and we still hadn't come out yet. I felt I was ready, and Niall had said he was as well, but we weren't exactly sure how we wanted to do it. I mean sure enough, the fans had picked up on some extra Niam moments and what not but most of the fandom didn't know anything about us being together. We wanted to do something special in our outing, nothing to cheesy, just something fun and that was exactly what we were going to do. We didn't feel like coming out on a twitcam or anything because then that wouldn't be very good, and people could just say we're lying. We also didn't want to come out on live TV or anything like that, no media at all so we thought about doing it at one of our concerts, we knew that we had one coming up soon because we were starting our Take Me Home tour in a few days although we weren't sure if we wanted to do it on the first night, for the simple fact is it's being filmed for our DVD and I don't know how management would feel if we just suddenly blurted out in the middle of the concert that me and Niall were dating. Anyhow that's how it was going to happen, we've been talking about it the last couple of days and say that in the middle of our second show, that's when we're going to tell everyone and if I'm honest, I was fucking excited for it. Yes I know we're going to get hate and everything but it doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is that me and Niall are happy and if the fans don't accept that then it's their problem not ours.

As it came to the second day of our tour, me and Niall were practically bouncing off the walls. We were so excited for this and I couldn't wait. The whole day was going so slow and I just wanted it to hurry up, not letting the fans know was killing me, I hated keeping things from them, but at least I wouldn't have to keep it much longer. Niall and I were in the dressing room, just laying around on the sofa cuddled up like we normally do before we need to get ready, since the couples thing we've all made it clear that me and Ni will share a dressing room, Lou and Haz will share one and Zayn will have one all to his own since he does spend the most time in front of the mirror anyways, we thought it was only fair. Plus I don't think the other boys would like to witness most of the things that happen after the show. Anyways, we were laying so close that there was no space between us at all, he had his head on my shoulder and was laying on his side inbetween my legs. We normally lay like this, it was the most comfortable position for us, and it worked for us. I was slowly running my fingers through his perfect blondie brown hair while humming a soft tune under my breath. It was so peaceful to stay like this with Ni, it was one of the many things I loved about him, he just loved to cuddle.

After about 10 minutes of just laying like this, we heard a knock on the door signalling that someone wanted us for something. I sighed and shifted a little but not moving Ni "Come in" I said trying not to be too loud, since I think Niall was sleep. I could see the door slightly open and Zayn walked through with his eyes shut, probably learned his lesson from last time when he walked in on me and Ni, ooops, well it serves him right. "Is it safe?" I chuckled lowly before answering "Yes Zaynly!  what cha want?" I couldn't help but giggle at the nick name I knew he hated but used anyways. I heard him sigh at the nickname before saying "It's time to get ready, we only have like half an hour left so wake up sleeping beauty here and get your asses dressed." Wow only half an hour left? I thought we still had ages, I guess this day wasn't going as fast as I thought it was. "Alright" I nodded before Zayn disappeared back out the door closing it with a small bang. I could feel Ni shifting on my but not wanting to wake up, so I brought my hand away from hugging him around the waist and shifted a little, moving my head down to press a light kiss to his hair before whispering "Ni baby, you need to wake up, we have to get ready for the show in half an hour. You know I want to look my best for our big announcement" I could feel him groan as he opened his eyes and sat up in my lap. I smiled at how gorgeous he was whenever he'd just been woken up. He was gorgeous all the time, but when he wakes up, he just looks so amazing. I smiled at him, gaining a smile back before I pressed my lips to his in a short but meaningful kiss.

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