Civil War

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Tessia Eralith POV

Fire's burned across Xyrus academy as human soldiers marched across the campus. The council was in shambles, and peace talks have failed. The human kingdom has declared war against the Elves, and are actively hunting them down.

The attack happened suddenly, and without warning. Human soldiers poured into Xyrus academy looking for the Elven students. Looking for me.

I was in my room when I heard the explosions. When I walked outside the student council building, I saw the devastation and destruction. The director and several teachers tried to stop the soldiers, but they were quickly overpowered.

I quickly ran as fast as I could to safety. But the soldiers were everywhere, there was no where to hide. I wanted to run to the male dorms, I wanted to run to him. However, I knew I would get caught before I got there.

I quickly hid behind some bushes, as six human soldiers marched by. I gritted my teeth, as I saw they had three Elven students in chains. I took out my bladed staff, and prepared to attack. As I began to move forward towards the soldiers, I felt someone grab my shoulders from behind, and pull me back.

I quickly turned around as they covered my mouth. My eyes widened as I recognized the blonde figure standing in front of me.

"Feyrith?!" I said in relief as he removed his hand.

"Shhh." Feyrith said with a serious face. "We have to be quite princess. Come on, we need to get out of here." Feyrith said as he looked around.

"How? They're everywhere. There's no way we can get out of here." I said in a concerned tone.

"I'm not sure yet. But if I have to die to get you to safety, I will." Feyrith said in all seriousness.


"No arguments. Let's go princess." Feyrith said as he gestured for me to follow.

Feyrith and I reluctantly ran away from the human soldiers, as we ran to the rear of the campus. We didn't know how we were going to get out of this mess, but we did know the soldiers were mainly near the front of the campus.

As we made our way to the rear of the campus, I covered my mouth in horror. On the ground were seven mutilated and burned Elven students. Their ears had been cut off, arms and legs broken.

Tears formed in my eyes at the sight. I felt like I was going to be sick. I looked towards Feyrith, and saw he looked at the scene in anger, disgust, and sadness.

"T-this is horrible. Why would they do this?" I said in disgust.

"I don't know. But they must answer for this. This can't go unpunished." Feyrith said in anger.

I looked at Feyrith as he shook with anger. I was about to speak, when I heard a sinister laugh from behind us.

"Hahahaha! Well isn't this my lucky day! Who would've thought I'd be the one to find the dear Elven princess!"

Feyrith and I quickly turned around, and took defensive stances. Feyrirh pulled out his wand, as I readied my staff. I narrowed my eyes on the blonde human boy as he approached.

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