Civil War 3

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Arthur Leywin POV

Sylvie and I flew through the sky at lightning speed as the battle raged on below. The human and elven armies clashed as the sounds of steel ringing, and spells flying could be heard all around us.

I looked around the battlefield, and noticed the elves were holding strong. They had a steadfast defensive line, that didn't falter against the onslaught of the human army. My eyes fell on gramps as he command the elven army from the front. He was surrounded by other silver core mages to keep him safe.

I felt a sense of relief knowing gramps was safe. However, I had another objective to focus on. I looked towards the remaining catapults that Sylvie and I had yet to destroy. By my count there were only five left.

'Alright Sylvie, we have five more to go. Let's take them out, then we'll join gramps!' I yelled mentally as we soared towards the catapults.

'On it. Hold on papa!' Sylvie said mentally as she jetted through the air at a frightening velocity.

I held on as we neared the catapults. As we closed in on the first catapult, a barrage of spells were hurled at us from the human defenders.

'Papa, hold on!' Sylvie yelled.

My grip on Sylvie tightened, and she dove nose down towards the catapult. Sylvie did a barrel role dodging the spells, as they flew past us.

Sylvie quickly leveled out as we flew above the catapult. As we flew above the catapult, Sylvie let out a mana blast, destroying the catapult. Sylvie dashed forward, flying towards the next target.

The human mages below fired spell after spell at us, as Sylvie flew through the sky destroying their catapults. We continued to fly through the air, dodging their spells, and destroying their catapults until we only had one left.

'Alright Sylv there's only one left! Let's hurry up and destroy it!' I yelled mentally.

'I see it papa. Hold on!' Sylvie yelled.

Sylvie dashed forward again heading towards the final catapult. Sylvie shot out a mana beam, destroying the catapult.

'Nice work Sylv! Let's head back to gramps!' I yelled mentally.

'Ok pap-"


Thunder sounded from the sky as I was suddenly ripped off of Sylvie's back. I felt a pressure around my neck, as I couldn't breath. My eyes fell onto the figure, as they had their hand wrapped around my throat, as we flew through the air.

Lance Bairon.

'Papa!!' I heard Sylvie yell mentally.

"Die, you fucking traitor." Bairon said with pure malice.

Bairon spun in the air, as he threw me towards the ground. I struggled to stay conscious, at the speed I was thrown towards the ground. Using all the strength I could muster, I gathered wind magic around myself. I created a powerful updraft from the ground towards me, slowing my decent.

As I neared the ground, I gathered wind around me. I pushed the gust of wind towards the ground, as I was mere inches from it. The gust managed to stop my decent for just a second, allowing me to land on the ground safely.

I let out a breath of relief, but it was short lived. I looked up as thunder sounded from the sky. I grew wide eyed as Bairon flew towards me, surrounded by lightning. A lightning spear formed in his hand, as he prepared to throw it at me.

I took dawns ballad out of my dimensional ring as I gritted my teeth. If I was truly going to die, I would go down fighting. Suddenly a mana beam struck Bairon in the side. An explosion erupted from Bairon as the mana beam hit him. I watched as Bairon went flying through the sky, and landed on the ground with a loud crash.


I looked up as Sylvie flew down and landed right beside me. She glared towards the crater Bairon fell in.

'Papa! Are you ok?!' Sylvie said mentally in a concerned tone.

"I'm *cough* fine Sylv. We have to get out of here!" I yelled.


Lightning erupted from the crater, as Bairon flew up, and landed on the ground a few feet ahead of me. Bairon glared at me with pure rage, as he formed another lightning spear in his hand.

"If you think I'll let you escape, you're wrong. After I kill you and your beast, maybe I'll pay your fiancé a visit." Bairon said with a sinister grin.

"Rawr!!" Sylvie yelled as I gritted my teeth at Bairon.

I knew I was no match for him. I was only a light yellow core, he was a white core. The pressure he emanated was suffocating. I knew I had to figure out a way to fight, or flee quickly.

"Die!" Bairon yelled as he dashed forward toward me.

I surrounded dawns balled with all four elements, preparing to clash. As Bairon got closer, he raised his spear hand. Maybe if we just clashed with weapons I would have a chance, after all, I am the better swordsman.

I raised Dawns Ballad as Bairon closed in on me, and thrusted his spear forward. Our weapons clashed, and it felt like I was hit by a freight train. My arms shook as Bairon pressed his attack, as we pushed our weapons against each other

'Sylv! Hit him with a mana beam!!' I yelled mentally.

'I can't, you're in the way papa!!' Sylvie yelled mentally.

"Now, you will die for your precious elves. Don't worry. I'll give you fiancé my regar-"

Bairon was cut off as a dagger pierced his throat. I grew wide eyed as he coughed up blood. I quickly backed away as Bairon fell to his knees. Suddenly Aya appeared behind Bairon, glaring at him murderously.

"I never did like you." Aya said as she walked up behind Bairon, and stabbed her wind dagger into his head.

I watched as Bairon's eyes rolled back, and he fell down to the ground dead. I let out a breath of relief, as I looked at Aya.

"Thank you Aya." I said as I breathed heavily.

Aya looked at me and smiled. "Of course Arthur. Elder Virion sent me to find you once you didn't return. The human army is currently pulling back. Come on, let's go join the others." Aya said.

I nodded as I looked at Bairon's body, and I sighed.

"You ok?" Aya asked.

"Ya... this is just going to be a bitter war." I said as I looked up to the sky.

I closed my eyes as I felt the wind on my face. Pictures of when the war was over crossed my mind. I imagined Tess and I walking by the lake holding hands, as our children happily ran around us. A smile graced my face as I imagined the war over, with us at peace.

"Soon." I whispered to myself.

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