Till The End Of Time 3

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Tessia Eralith POV

Two years later

The sound of the leaves rustling in the calm wind filled my ears with the feeling of the warm, radiant sunlight shining on my skin. I was currently sitting outside in the castle's courtyard under a large tree. It's where I usually liked to hang out during my free time, as I found it peaceful. However, I was also out here for another reason.

It has been about two years since I snuck into the library and read about mana. Ever since then, I've been constantly trying to gather the tiny bits of mana spread throughout my body together in an attempt to form a mana core. It was a tedious task, but I was slowly and surely bringing all the mana specs together. In truth, I had an easier time learning how to walk in this young body than forming this mana core, but it wasn't too tricky.

I could see why the book stated that it'd take at least the adolescent age for a person to awaken. If I had let the mana particles in my body move themselves, it would've taken a few years for them to form anything remotely resembling a mana core.

Luckily, I had a perk that no one else my age had: my mental age. With my mental capacity, I have the cognitive ability to consciously will the mana particles together. Plus, I luckily had some experience in this field. As a child in my past life, we were taught how to control ki when we went to school. And I had exceptional control over my ki, which was probably why I found it somewhat easy to bring these mana particles together.

Essentially, all I needed to do was sense the mana inside my body and force the particles together near the solar plexus. If left alone, they would eventually float toward each other anyway. Essentially, I'm just mentally grasping at these particles and shoving them together in a slow process.

I would usually spend my time and limited amount of energy gathering the mana inside my body before I got too physically tired. It was a little difficult trying to hide suspicion from my parents, grandpa, and the maids since I was constantly under supervision. Luckily, this was one of the few times I got to spend some alone time outside.

Though, I made sure to cherish every moment I could with my family. Sure, Mom, Dad, and Grandpa would sometimes be busy with politics, you know, since they're the royal family, but that didn't stop them from spending as much time as possible with me as they could. Not having a family in my past life showed me how much it meant to have one, and the love I felt toward them was indescribable.

And with this family, with this new life, I promised to leave my old life behind. I wasn't Cecilia anymore. I was now Tessia Eralith.

And as Tessia, I wanted to be sure I could be strong enough to protect my loved ones. I didn't want anyone to have to fight for me again. Not after... Not after I lost Grey. I'll make sure I become strong enough so I don't have to watch another loved one die.

I let out a deep breath, focusing on my training. I was able to gather all the mana particles in my solar plexus and was beginning to condense them together to form my mana core.

The right corner of my lips rose into a smirk, 'Almost there.'


Alduin Eralith POV

"This is concerning," Merial said, looking at the papers in her hands intently.

Merial, Father, and I were all currently sitting in my study. It was a large, spacious room with white walls that were decorated with an assortment of paintings. Lavish dark gray furniture filled the room, which included three couches that were situated in a U shape, with a coffee table in the middle. Bookshelves lined the walls, and a large desk was situated in the back of the room.

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