Allegiance 11

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In the council room of the floating castle, the three royal families sat in a circle, just finishing another subject of discussion.

"Alright," Virion sighed and placed a stack of papers to his right. He reached over and grabbed another stack that was sitting to his left. "And with that out of the way, we can now discuss the trade of merchandise between the kingdoms."

Dawsid groaned and rubbed his temples, "All this talk is giving me a headache."

"I agree with Dawsid." Blaine said before he chuckled, "For once. How about we take a small break?" Blaine looked at the mana-powered watch on his wrist. "Let's say, a twenty-minute break."

Alduin stretched out his arms, remaining seated in his chair, "I can agree to that."

Virion chuckled in amusement, "I think that's the fastest we have ever agreed on something." The sound of Virion's chair screeching across the floor sounded throughout the room as Virion stood up. "We will reconvene in twenty minutes then."

The members of the royal families stood up from their chairs and stretched for a moment before Dawsid and Glaudera were the first to walk to the doors with their Lances behind them.

Seeing the Greysunders leave, Blaine looked at Merial, seeing her standing beside Alduin, and decided this would be an excellent opportunity to pry some more. "So, Merial," Blaine called out, gesturing to her. Merial, Alduin, and Virion looked at Blaine curiously, seeing his fake smile. "Like I said before, I wouldn't imagine a parent letting their child leave with a stranger. So, how much about this new friend of hers do you know?"

Alduin and Virion's gazes narrowed on Blaine, seeing him looking at Merial intently with a smile that was obviously fake. It wasn't hard for them to deduce that this friend Blaine was talking about was an important individual to him.

Merial met Blaine's gaze and gave a smile that didn't quite meet her eyes, "My apologies, Blaine. But I'm afraid I'm on my break now. Perhaps you can ask me when I'm more in the mood to answer your question."

Blaine's smile faded, and brows furrowed with anger, losing the last of his patience.

Seeing his sudden change of demeanor, Priscilla immediately spoke up, knowing things could end badly when Blaine lost his temper. "Yes, of course," Priscilla said with a genuine kind smile. Blaine's gaze snapped to her, irritated that she interrupted him. "Let's enjoy our break and meet later." Priscilla turned and began to walk toward the door. She stopped when she didn't hear Blaine behind her and looked at him over her shoulder, seeing him and Merial glaring at each other. "Blaine,' she snapped.

Blaine's gaze flicked to her yet again, with anger burning behind his gaze. He put on a fake smile and calmly said, "Of course." Blaine began to follow Priscilla with their Lances following closely behind them.

The Eraliths watched the Glayders and their Lances leave the council room and close the door behind them. Not even a moment after the door closed, Alduin looked at Aya and Alea, who were standing behind them.

"Aya, sound barrier," Alduin ordered.

Aya nodded, sensing the urgency in his command. She raised her hand and flicked her wrist, creating a sound and wind barrier. While Alduin only asked for a sound barrier to block out the noise, she also created a wind barrier as a precaution to prevent any unwanted individuals or attacks from entering the room.

Virion looked at Alea seriously, "Do you detect anyone else in the room."

Alea was the best Lance when it came to sensory magic by far. She closed her eyes and focused her sensory magic on her surroundings. After concentrating for a moment, she looked back at Virion and shook her head, "No, Elder, the room is secured."

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