A Promise To Keep 2

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In her bedroom at the SC building, Tessia Eralith lay in bed staring at her ceiling. Her mind was racing, and she barely got any sleep last night. She was mainly nervous about today since it was orientation day at Xyrus Academy, and she would be giving a welcoming speech.

However, that wasn't the only reason she couldn't sleep. Thoughts of Arthur had been on her mind ever since she met him a few days ago. That day, when she first saw him in the DC meeting room, she could barely believe what she was seeing. He had the same eyes as the figure in her dreams, and not only that, but his voice was the same voice from the dreams. It had to be more than just a coincidence. Especially since he felt so familiar, but she couldn't place why.

Tessia knew she needed to speak with him to get to know him. However, that day she met him in the DC building, all he said to her was, 'Pleasure to meet you, Princess,' then walked out of the room without another word. Lilia told Tessia she was baffled at Arthur's behavior since he was usually warm and receptive.

After that day, Tessia would occasionally see him walking around campus and try to talk with him. But whenever she tried to approach him, he would always go behind a building, or she would lose sight of him, and he would suddenly be gone. How he did that, she didn't know; it wasn't like someone could just disappear in thin air. But the more this happened these past few days, the more she thought he was purposefully ignoring her. Why that would be, she didn't know, but she intended to find out.

Tessia looked toward her window, seeing the daylight breaking through the lining of her curtains. Seeing that the sun was coming up and she definitely wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep, Tessia decided it was time to get up.

Tessia got up from her bed and surveyed her room, which was large and elegant—about the size of three bedrooms put into one. The walls were an emerald green with paintings of trees on them. Her furniture was made of beautiful, dark brown wood, and it consisted of two nightstands, a king-size bed, a vanity, a dresser, and a desk.

Tessia quickly made her bed before she entered her walk-in closet, pulling out her uniform for the day. She procured her undergarments from her dresser and laid her clothing on the bed. She entered her bathroom, which had gray wood flooring, white painted walls, a marble countertop, a large marble bathtub, and a white tiled shower with a glass sliding door.

Tessia quickly undressed, showered, and dried herself. She walked back into her bedroom, where she got dressed in her uniform. Then, she sat down at her vanity and did her hair and makeup. Once Tessia was ready for the day, she exited her bedroom and made her way down to the first floor.

The first floor of the SC building was similar to that of the DC building. The hallway was painted white, and a set of large double doors led to the SC meeting room. To the right and left of the double doors were two single doors leading to the president's and vice president's offices.

Tessia approached and walked into her office, a large room with gray-painted walls. A large redwood desk was set up in the back of the office facing the door, with two brown leather chairs sitting before it. Sitting along the wall to the right of the door was an oversized brown leather couch big enough to seat three people. On the left side of the room was a series of gray cabinets that contained information about the students attending Xyrus Academy.

The files only contained their personal information and academic records. The DC captain had access to the same information, but he would also have access to the disciplinary records. So, if Tessia needed information about a student's behavior, she would need to speak with Arthur. If he would talk to her, that is.

Tessia approached her desk and saw her notebook lying on top. She had accidentally left it in her office last night after staying here so late to prepare for today. She picked up her notebook and looked at the paper calendar she had laid out on her desk. She looked over today, seeing all she had planned was the welcoming speech. Tomorrow, she has a meeting scheduled with the director and Arthur about how the first day went.

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