Allegiance 8

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'Stupid papa, making me take a shower for his date,' Sylvie grumbled.

Sylvie lay on Arthur's left shoulder as he walked through the halls of the floating castle, heading to the portal room. Her fur was fluffy and brushed neatly, giving her a clean, shining look.

Arthur chuckled amusingly, patting Sylvie on her head, 'But don't you feel all refreshed now?'

'I would've felt fine without the shower,' Sylvie retorted, gaining another chuckle from Arthur.

Arthur made his way through the floating castle until he eventually arrived at the portal room. Several guards were in the portal room, walking around and carrying recently delivered supplies. Three guards, one of each race, stood by the portal as a protection detail.

Arthur curiously looked around the room for Tessia until he spotted her standing near the portal, speaking with an elven guard. Arthur's brows raised, his cheeks grew red, and his heart nearly skipped a beat seeing her with her hair tied in a ponytail, wearing a sundress and sandals. His eyes looked Tessia up and down, noticing how beautiful she looked in her spaghetti-strapped sundress. How it hugged her perfectly, coming down mid-thigh, showing off her hourglass curves.

'You okay, Papa? You look a little red,' Sylvie snickered.

Arthur quickly shook his head, composing himself, and gave Sylvie a narrowed, side-eyed look, 'Shut up, Sylv.' Arthur looked back toward Tessia, took a breath, and walked toward her.

Tessia continued speaking with the elven guard assigned to the gate, explaining to him that she would be going on an outing to Xyrus City today.

"I understand, Princess," The tall male elven guard said before looking at her, a little concerned. "But are you sure you don't want an escort?"

Tessia smiled reassuringly, "I'm sure. Don't worry, I'll be fine."

The guard's brows furrowed a little in concern, "But-" He cut himself off, and his gaze flicked up over Tessia's head, seeing Arthur approaching.

Tessia tilted her head slightly to the right, a little confused about what caught his attention. She turned around and followed his gaze, with her eyes falling on Arthur. Tessia's lips went slightly agape, and her cheeks turned rosy red, seeing Arthur dressed in his tan pants, brown shoes, and a light blue polo, and his hair was neatly brushed and tied back. The polo was fitted to Arthur, hugging his body and showing off his muscular stature. It took Tessia merely milliseconds to notice how handsome Arthur looked.

'Wow, something must be going around the castle. Tessia looks a little red as well,' Sylvie snickered.

Arthur ignored Sylvie and approached Tessia with a smile. "Fancy seeing you here," Arthur jested.

Tessia composed herself and giggled, "Yes, it's almost like we agreed to meet here."

Arthur chuckled at Tessia returning his joke. They continued to stand there silently for a brief moment, staring into each other's eyes. Arthur took note that the teal flowers on Tessia's sundress accented her eyes, and Tessia noticed Arthur's light blue polo made his azure eyes shine.

Arthur cleared his throat, breaking the silence, and gestured to Tessia, "I hope I didn't keep you waiting long."

Tessia smiled and shook her head, "Not at all. I got here only a few minutes before you did."

"Yeah, I would've been here sooner," Arthur gestured to Sylvie with an innocent smile. "But Sylvie here wanted to look nice for today."

Sylvie smiled at Tessia while mentally glaring at Arthur, 'Papa, you liar.'

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