Chapter 20 - A Late Arrival

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Within the outskirts of the city, a portal has been opened. Though William was the one walking through it. The Guardian also walked through.

???: "This is as close as we can get without immediate danger."

William: "I understand."

???: "Now be careful out there, who knows what you will be facing."

William: "I am not that worried."

He then starts walking into the city with the Guardian just going back through the portal. The Council realized that William finally arrived to the field. 

Kronii: "So he is here now."

Everyone looked to Kronii in confusion. 

Mumei: "Is that what you meant?"

Kronii nods her head, everyone was just flabbergasted that William is the one to save everyone. Kronii couldn't believe this herself since he is still an anomaly to this timeline itself. 

Baelz: "So the world depends on one lousy human? How lame..."

Baelz just seemed disappointed about this but Fauna says something as well.

Fauna: "Well, he did manage to bring the Myths together. It is no simple feat to do."

Sana: "Guys... Do you notice something different about him..?"

Everyone looked through the ball again to see William still walking through the city. We then cut to him walking through the city, looking about at the broken down buildings, broken roads and many things that are just in ruins. He could tell that it is about to rain soon, he could smell it.

Asher: "Bismarck."

William was confused for a moment, but realizes that they can now talk to each other.

Asher: "Of course we can talk to each other idiot. But just talk in a low voice so we don't make you look crazy."

William: "Got it. Now what is it?"

Asher: "We need to cover more ground if we are going to find your friends."

William: "And how do you expect me to do that?"

Asher: "Go to the top of the highest building you can find, then we should be able to clear more ground."

William nods his head and continues walking about, but sprinting this time at a steady pace. He then by instinct used some of his power to apply it to his legs, allowing him to leap in the air onto a rooftop of a tall building. He lands gracefully and gets a better view.

William: "Man... This city is long gone.."

Asher: "That much I can tell. This must have at least happened about a day ago."

William: "How could you tell?"

Asher: "Time flows differently where the Council resides. I was mainly taking estimations."

William: "Of course."

Asher: "I could feel Calli's power within this city. Although it is a fair distance away from us, we should be able to get to her in a few minutes."

William: "Understood."

William was then about to leap off when he heard screeching from somewhere not too far away. Asher enhances his vision to see what is going on. They both see Enma cutting down abominations with ease.

Asher: "That is a feisty woman."

William: "A skilled one at that."

They both looked to the side to see somewhat of a juggernaut type of abomination charging to her location. William grits his teeth.

Asher: "I know what you are thinking Bismarck, but is it wise when your friends could be facing what you could consider the main boss?"

William: "I cannot run away from those who need my help. Even if it is someone I don't know."

Asher: "I will leave you to it then, but don't fuck it up."

William nods his head as he leaps from rooftop to rooftop. Enma is busy slaying every single abomination, though once she took down what she believed to be the last one nearby. She heard something charging her direction. Once she turned to it, she could see a slightly larger abomination charging at full speed. She prepares herself to face it head on. The moment it got close, she ducked underneath it so she could dodge. She then attempted to slash at it, but it then slammed the ground. Enma gets knocked back and she recovers quickly. 

Enma: "This one is going to be tough.."

The abomination was about to move again, but before it could, a shot could be heard. It was too quick for Enma to see and a huge chunk of the abomination was gone, half of its upper-right torso was gone, severing the arm. When she turned to see where the shot came from, it was from William who was holding a strange looking high calibre pistol, though it looked demonic in nature. He was on a roof, which he then fired two more, killing the abomination and even only leaving the bottom half of the body. He then leaped down and walked towards Enma. Though while walking towards her, he was having a conversation with Asher.

William: "Didn't expect that much firepower."

Asher: "Probably because you are using my power, idiot."

William: "Besides, how am I able to do these things without even thinking about it?"

Asher: "Must be the adaption from my side. No matter, you will understand in due time."

William: "Understood."

He then finally reaches Enma.

Enma: "Who are you?"

William: "William Bismarck."

Enma then sheathes her weapon, though she realized who he is.

Enma: "William Bismarck? The man who went missing and Amelia went looking for you?"

William: "Wait, Amelia went looking for me?"

Enma: "You know what, forget it."

She turns around.

Enma: "I am just cleaning up whatever mess you must have pulled, but your return is too coincidental. You better start explaining what happened."

Her tone was quite serious, because she was connecting the dots so she can tell Yagoo later once she gets back. William sighs.

William: "In truth, I encountered someone who is known as the Warden of Time. I fought her to protect Amelia from the Warden. However it made me end up in an entirely different world, which I had to adapt. I managed to handle the inner demon problem and now I am going to fix this."

Asher: "Rather ballsy of you kid."

Enma: "Look, I get what you are saying, but after this is all over, I am taking you to Yagoo myself."

Before she could say anything more, it started raining. She raises her hand a bit, looking at it.

Enma: "It is that time now huh?"

Asher: "Bismarck! We got a problem!"

With Asher sounding concerned, William couldn't help but feel nervous.

William: "What is it?"

Asher: "I cannot feel Calli's presence anymore. We need to get to them now!"

William: "On it."

He turns around to see the direction that he needs to go by following Amelia's presence.

William: "I understand that I most likely have to talk to the big man himself, but I will meet him sometime. Not right now though. I have a lot on my plate to deal with first, hopefully you can understand fraulin."

William then starts running at insane speeds, leaving Enma's sight. She didn't feel amused at all, but she needed to get some shelter so she can dry off.  

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