Chapter 21 - The Myths VS The Ancients

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Amelia and Gura arrived to the centre of where the commotion would be coming from, spotting Ina standing there. 

Amelia: "Ina!"

Ina turns to them, though the two know that it is the Ancient Ones, but they still have to try to at least get through to Ina.

Ancient Ones: "The Ina you know is no more."

Gura: "That's a lie!"

Ancient Ones: "No matter how you look at it, you all are the same. The moment you are gone, her pains will wash away."

Ina then raises her hand, firing a laser. Amelia grabbed Gura and immediately dodged it with Amelia's new time powers. The Ancient Ones was surprised that this was possible, but it didn't matter to them anyway.

Ancient Ones: "You wield the Warden's power? You disgust me human."

Tentacles then fly at both Amelia and Gura, forcing them to dodge and make sure that they couldn't get grabbed. The tentacles were about to grab Gura, but Calli arrived to the scene, slicing the tentacle. The Ancient Ones grew a little impatient, releasing more tentacles. Before the tentacles could do what they were going to do, Kiara appeared behind Ina, about to slash at her. The tentacles reacted, protecting Ina, disintegrating the tentacles in a mixture of orange and blue flames. Kiara got a fair distance back, making sure that she wasn't in immediate danger.

Calli: "Apologies for the late arrival Amelia. Kiara and I will be taking over from here."

Amelia nodded, knowing that this is part of the plan she concocted. 

Ancient Ones: "Immortals of this world... You both are in our way."

Calli prepares herself along with Kiara, as they both charge at her. Tentacles sprout out attempting to halt the assault, but they both were able to cut through it all like it was nothing, reaching Ina. They both landed clean cuts on her, though she regenerated very quickly.

Calli and Kiara was able to hold Ina off for a long time, countering everything she did, but eventually the eldritch had enough and up the antic by summoning multiple black inky hands to use beams of light to slow down their attacks. Gura then joined the fray while Amelia was gripping the syringe, knowing that she made two just in case. She believed that this would at least knock her out if she is able to at least get close enough. The moment Amelia saw the opening she needed, she immediately rushed towards her.

Ancient Ones: "Your efforts are futile."

She did everything she could to keep all of them away from the body to ensure that nothing goes wrong. But Amelia was able to skip through time to appear in front of her, but before she could jab it it in her neck, her wrist was grabbed by Ina. 

Ancient Ones: "Nice try."

Amelia was then sent far back, being badly injured by one hit. 

Gura: "Ame!"

Gura was then knocked away, out of sight. Kiara and Calli then managed to get some distance away from Ina so they could plan this out. Kiara then came up with something.

Kiara: "How about a good old bait?"

Calli: "What is that supposed to mean?"

Kiara then charged in without warning, her flames turning into a blue as she charged at full speed. The Ancient Ones did everything to slow her down, but it didn't work as she was blitzing past everything. She was doing multiple slashes while on the move, out manoeuvring and preventing the Ancient Ones from reacting. Calli then threw her scythe, cutting Ina's body diagonally. But before the scythe could touch the ground, Calli was already there and began landing a lot of slices. With Kiara leaping into the air and slamming her blade into the ground, creating a crater and Ina's body was nowhere to be found after the dust settled. They both were confused but the moment they looked up, it was too late. They both were entrapped in tentacles and they were both struggling to break free.

Ancient Ones: "You both are nuisances, we will deal with you both later."

Ina's palms grew close to each other, forming a white ball of energy before expanding it over a wide vicinity. Once it was done, Calli and Kiara were nowhere to be found. The moment the Ancient Ones looked at Amelia, Gura used her power to entrap Ina in water. But it was ineffective as she immediately broke out of it, but even when she did and landed on the ground, the Ancient Ones didn't expect an immediate thrust from Gura's throw. Ina's body got sent flying back a far distance.

Gura then tries to call back her trident, but she realized that something was off. The trident did come back, but it was going to badly injure her, forcing her to knock it away at high speeds. 

Amelia: "Gura! You alright!?"

Gura: "Yeah..."

Gura was unsure of this situation, though she couldn't believe that she would result to using this power now. She called for the trident again as the Ancient Ones watched on in curiosity, awaiting for what she would do. The trident came, but went straight into Gura. Within an instant, her eyes turned red and the blue streaks became red. The Ancient Ones wondered on what this is supposed to be. Gura was then immediately in front of their face, forcing to Ina to block. But then Gura became relentless, as if she went feral and lands devastating blows. 

The fight between the two escalated, but eventually, Gura couldn't continue due to her growing more tired as it went on. Amelia couldn't do anything due to her injury holding her back. The moment Gura returned to normal, she was grabbed by the neck.

Ancient Ones: "Your efforts were futile Atlantean."

But in that moment, a gunshot could be heard as Ina's arm was shot clean off, dropping Gura to the ground. The figure that shot her was standing directly behind Amelia.

William: "Sorry I'm late. Had to take a training arc."

Amelia: "Will...?"

The Ancient Ones completely remembers William, but they didn't care as they tried to reach for Gura again, but William was already there in front of Gura. He punches her in the gut and then lands a powerful kick that sends Ina flying back. Gura couldn't believe this to be the same William from a while ago.

William: "Gura.. Stay close to Amelia and protect her. I will take over from here."

Gura wanted to protest but the feeling that he was giving off prevented her from doing so. All she could do was nod and head straight to Amelia.

William: "Asher, what is the probability of us beating an Eldritch being?"

Asher: "Honestly, we are fucked. But that is what makes it exciting."

William: "At this point, fearing death, ruins the excitement."

He then points his pistol at Ina.

William: "I hope you are ready to play on even grounds this time, Ao-chan!"

Author's Note: "Hey sorry for me taking long to release a chapter for this one. I was stuck for a bit, but now that I got a better picture, I will be able to continue from here on out. Thank you for your patience."

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