Only the Assistant

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It was time for The Gray Man premiere and I was in Chris's room at his LA house. I just finished getting sick in the bathroom when Tara, Chris's childhood friend walked in the bedroom. When I moved to Boston and met everyone Tara and I became good friends as well.

"You okay?" She asked and I shook my head sitting at the foot of the bed.

"I'm nervous. Pictures of Chris and I being out to lunch yesterday leaked out they said I was his assistant. Megan didn't want to fix it and now we are going to the premiere together. This isn't going to go over well. This is why I didn't want to come." I said. Tara sat next to me and pulled me into a side hug.

"Have you told Chris your concern?" Tara asked.

"Since we left Boston. Since he asked me to be his date and after yesterday. You know Chris..." I started to say.

"Once he gets his mind set on something it's his way." Tara said and I nodded. I looked at my dress hanging on the closet door and sighed.

"Guess I better get started." I said and Tara sighed.

"Let me help you." Tara said as I sat down at the mirror. Tara worked in my hair and put it up in a ponytail making it wavy and I did my make up. I felt like I was going to be sick but bit it down. Tara helped me get in my dress and once I was done I got my heels on.

"Hey, don't mention to Chris how I was sick before. I don't want him to think I'm overreacting." I said and she sighed.

"You have to tell him eventually." Tara said.

"I will..." I said. We walked out of the bedroom. Scott, his boyfriend Steve, Tara's husband Jason and Chris were all there waiting. Chris saw me and smiled.

"Woah...Ro, you look stunning." Chris said and I smiled down a little spin. Chris leaned in and gave me a small kiss. Megan came walking in and saw me.

"Rory! You look beautiful." She said and I smiled. Megan then start coughing and sneezing.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked and she shook her head.

"I caught a cold or something. I'm not going to the premiere, I can't." Megan said and then looked at me.

"Megan no! I'm Chris's date and confirming I'm his girlfriend." I said and she sighed since I was reading her mind.

"He needs someone to help him Rory." Megan said and I groaned.

"So dressing up like this was pointless." I said motioning down to my outfit.

"I didn't plan on getting sick Rory!" Megan snapped back.

"I'm going to go change. If I have to be in assistant mode I need to be more comfortable." I said and went to head to the bedroom and a Chris stopped me.

"Can't you be both?" Chris asked and I sighed.

"I can't Chris. They see me as your assistant, it's who I need to be." I said and he hung his head. The gate speaker buzzed and I walked over to the speaker.

"Car pick up for Mr. Evans and guests." The guy said and I sighed.

"Everyone to the car." I said as I buzzed the guy in. Megan walked up to me and looked apologetic. I took the passes from her for everyone.

"You know I didn't get sick on purpose..." she said. I ignored her and headed out the door. Once I got to the car Chris was waiting for me outside the car and the door was closed to the SUV.

"So we go back to you being assistant?" Chris asked and I sighed.

"What do you want me to do Chris? You know I'm under contract with Megan now and if she can't cover I'm in." I said and he looked at me oddly.

"When did you sign the contract?!" Chris asked.

"Last week." I said and he groaned.

"And you didn't talk to me about it?!" Chris asked and I just shrugged.

"I tried, you wouldn't listen." I said and he groaned opening the car door wanting to stop the argument. I went to get in the car and he stepped in front of me.

"The assistant usually sits in the front seat." Chris said and closed the door he got in. I stood there in shock as tears filled my eyes. I opened the front passenger door setting the passes down on the seat.

"I'll be right back." I said and he nodded. I rushed back in the house and Megan saw me.

"What are you doing?" She asked as I just went to the bedroom and took the dress off. I put on a pair of black dress slacks and a purple button up blouse. I left my hair up and I put my heels back on I was wearing with my dress but then I headed out of the bedroom.

"What the hell?" Megan asked.

"Chris made it clear I wasn't his date, I'm just the assistant. I have my phone on if you need me." I said and walked out to the car. Once I got in the front seat everyone looked at me changed and then looked at Chris. I told the driver where to go and I took my pass then handed the rest to the back.

"I think you all know to keep these one the entire time you are on the carpet and inside." I said. "Also please be well behaved." I said.

"Always Rory." Scott said and I just sighed.

"Why did you change?" Tara asked.

"It was made clear I was the assistant tonight so I thought I would dress the part. The dress that cost me a small fortune and I will never have a chance to wear again wasn't the right style for an assistant." I explained. I heard Chris get hit upside the head and punched in the arm. "Please don't harm Mr. Evans. He needs to be camera ready." I said and I heard Chris groan.

The rest of the ride was silent. Once we arrived I got out first and opened the back door. Tara, her husband, Scott and Steve all got out first and I gave them all a small smile.

"You guys can follow behind the carpet over that way. I will stay with Chris to move him along." I said and they nodded walking away. Chris then got out of the car and the fans went crazy.

"Autographs first Mr. Evans." I said and he groaned. Before he could walk away he gripped my hand.

"Can you stop...please?" Chris asked.

"Just the assistant Chris." I said pulling my hand away and he sighed. Now it was time for him to be his charming self that I wasn't going to get to experience as the girlfriend, only the stand in assistant.

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