Chapter 8: Giants Clash

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Author's Note

It's still my Christmas break as of now hence I am able to write the story without any interruptions. Thank goodness.

As for the story, notice how fighting scenes are now quite frequent than the original fan fiction. I decided to have such a plot because who does not like character building as well as fight scenes along that? Also, this fight will be stretched to at least 3 chapters long more or less.

For academics, I am now heading to the 2nd semester of my 1st year in college so things after January may become harder. Our instructors basically told us the activities that are going to happen, and many of them involved writing.... which I am thankful for because I have the skill for it.

Other than that, I am thankful for everyone who has stuck in with the story and waited for my return. Thank you.

After all, I owe everyone's criticism and suggestions to my improving writing skills.

And to end the AN, Happy New Year everyone, and I wish you all to have a good one


What is more exciting when it comes to science fiction other than big robots fighting massive monsters?

[Gahoooonnnn!!!!!] (??) With only two heads remaining, it roared at us threatening to kill us.

But none of that mattered anymore.

[Hop in Pilot] (Ronin) Ahahahahhahahhaha!!!!

What the heck!!!???? It was just dangerous earlier, but now things seem exciting and calming at the same time!!! I don't know why, but I can feel it run through my veins...the feeling of a battle going down in history!

[Let me iiiiiin!] I hopped into the hand that was opened for me to get into, and Ronin put me in the pilot's cockpit.

Immediately I can feel some sort of strange feeling, the series of vibrations as well as the sound of hydraulics and the onboard computer makes my inner robot otaku jump for joy.

[Temporarily setting controls to AI mode. Calibration will now begin] (Ronin) Uhuh.

I can't control it directly for now, but it seems that Ronin already got some preset commands on what to do when facing such a bigger foe.

[Graaaaaarrr!!!] (??) Taking out the lead wall shotgun from the back, Ronin then blasted its face and spam-fired all the shells.


Since it was buckshot, multiple visible wounds can now be seen from its entire body however, it was regenerating. Fuck!

[Gathering information from the enemy] (Ronin)


Come on! Be quick!

[Guraaaaawwww!!] (??)

[Enemy is resistant to projectile attacks at 100 meters+ distance. Detecting concentrated heat signature from its mouth region] (Ronin)

[Ehhhh!!!!!???? Dodge that!!!!] It's doing a fire breath again?!

[Affirmative] (Ronin)

When the fire shot out from the mouth of the dragon, Ronin rolled to the floor and dodged it by a short margin. Dirt, rocks, and moss flew up in the air as we tumbled down acrobatically like some certain robots from a Michael bay movie.

The girls were far away, thank god. I thought they would get involved with the blast....phew.


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