Chapter 24: A fairy's friend

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As the day started, she woke up early.


[Still sleepy sleepyhead?] (Nene)

[Big SSIS?] Rubbing her sleepy eyes, the small inn resident sat on the chair near the bed.

[Don't move just yet, I'm going to wipe your body] (Nene)

[ cold!!!!] Tanya, a girl of 5 years old and the youngest of the family is the hardest working of all. She's still learning at the school funded by the lord of the city, but since today is Sunday there will be none of that. Rather, the girl herself has another thing on her mind today, which is why she woke up earlier than usual.

[Is Big Bro awake?]

[Yep yep, why don't you see him in the backyard? He's there cutting the firewood]




*Tak! Tak!*

The rhythmic sound of wood being chopped echoed in the backyard, and in there was a young man sweaty as he chopped the wood under the shade of a certain someone.

Each blow was heavy but efficient as shown by the firewood piled at the sides.

[Good morning big bro!]

[Hmmmm??? Good morning too~ You look dazzling today] (Jack)

[Ehehehehe~ Thank you! Big Brother looks cool today too!]

[Hmmm cool huh, I guess I am cool enough] (Jack) Wearing only a sleeveless shirt and cargo pants, Jack was the one hacking at the wood.

[Mister Golem too! Good morning!] Not excluding the figure casting a shadow at them, she said her greetings.

[Good Morning] (Ronin) Without a tone whatsoever, Ronin replied.

The reason Tanya was wearing her "going out" clothes today is for one reason only. That is to play with someone.

[Right, I almost forgot about it. Are you ready to go out now?] (Jack) Putting down the axe, he asked.

[Yes!] She was very excited for it is her first time meeting someone like a fairy.

She once saw her in the room Jack used to occupy, she only saw her once and never again since her father fears that the fairy might hurt her by accident.

[Then let us go]


When you talk about psychological trauma, often times depression is the most commonly talked topic regarding that. If life hits like a dump truck when reality is introduced, depression is like drowning in the sea of sorrow that has an indefinite depth. One can't simply cure depression for it is a long lasting disease, especially if no help comes.

That is why I decided to introduce a helping hand for her, but whether she will open up will be completely up to her. I can only push a suggestion, but I can never understand her sadness. Perhaps Tanya might help her...that is what I hoped for.

This idea is already far too redundant, so I decided to drop the topic and just go for it.

[Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.....will this really go well?] I can't imagine their interaction going wrong, rather I am positive about it.

[Big bro?] (Tanya)

[Sorry, I spaced out. Well, here we go]

*Knock Knock Knock*

I already told the fairy that Tanya will meet her later this noon, thus I did not asked whether she is in the room or not. She was in the bed, sitting and is just staring at our entry.

[Wow!!!!! She's smaller than me!] (Tanya)

[[Wa?!]] I am surprised, Tanya suddenly closed the distance between her and the fairy bravely in an instant. Even the fairy herself is surprised by this as well, causing her to go frozen in shock and amazement.

[What is your name miss fairy? I am Tanya! And that guy over there is big bro!] (Tanya)

[I-m...] (??)

[Im?] (Tanya)

[Lu-s.....Lushea] (Lushea) Lushea or so she called herself bashfully said her name while gazing at the floor.

Well...anyone being asked by an extroverted individual with their names often times do this right? I am not an exception since this also happened to me.

[Heh? Lushea huh? It's a wonderful name! Just like mine!] (Tanya)............I have no comment for this girl, except that her eyes seems to have formed star-shapes metaphorically due to interest.

Sooner enough, the two went on to chat in their own worlds....completely ignoring me who is just standing at the corner looking at them have fun.

[Really!? So Lu-chan cannot fly?] (Tanya) This kid's communication power is beyond 9000, at this point she's even giving the fairy a nickname, a shortened name that sounds cute to be honest.

[I got hurt so...] (Lushea)

[ birds who had their wings injured can heal, that is why please don't be sad! It will grow back! I promise!] (Tanya)

Pffffttttttttttttttt...I coughed up the cold barley tea I was drinking when I heard those words.

[Really?] (Lushea)

[Uhn! I think big bro can do something about it though?] (Tanya)

[Ho-Hold your horsies little girl. This great me isn't that great to that extent, I am just capable of doing things I am capable of, and not those that I cannot] Magic? Like hell could I use it, I have 0 mana after all.

Just hearing my own thoughts made me sad, damn it. Focus on the positive side Jack! You are a jack-of-all trades master of none, just exclude magic at that.

Just what does this little girl sees in me to make her think like that? Rather the fairy's opening up? Phew~ that took off a thorn from me. At least the path to a recovered psyche is now at least set.

{Pilot, I have detected hostile presence in the vicinity}

I was just about to head out of the room to leave the two in their conversations until Ronin's voice entered my head.

.....................Hostile presence huh, they are unmarked in my map...meaning they are purposely hidden and are looking for something. What could they be then other than people having malicious intent?

Are they after Ronin or something else, whatever those maybe, I will not tolerate it.

Arghh!!!! That soured the mood I was in. I was just happy that Lushea talked about her troubles to Tanya as the other girl listened to her and gave her words as well. 5 year olds in another world are something else huh.

[Sorry to disturb you two, but I got to take care of something. I will just leave the two of you here okay?]

[Uhn! Take care!] (Tanya)

Now then, let us see what these bastards are after. I will beat their ass, shove their heads into the sewer, and skin them alive if they have a plan to kidnap one of the kids in the neighborhood again.

RE: Summoned to the parallel world of swords and magic as a titan pilot Vol1Where stories live. Discover now