Chapter 26: The prophecy...

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A short chapter...
Somewhere far away......

[Once upon a time, when the world's warriors became rampant, killing one another, and when they have no one to challenge, they went for the citizens..............killing them] (??) Standing in the balcony of a certain huge cathedral, was a woman with cerulean hair.

Her figure, donned with white and gold, walked under the moonlight as she admired the view of the city in front of her.

[Chaos have overcame the world] (??) 

In her hand formed an astral projection, showing various views of cities all across the world burning down. Monsters roamed, and an all out war is happening between nations.

[Destruction, death, and pointless ideas all sprout out. All of which caused problems, not until he came] (??) The projection changed its image into the view of a young man aboard a horse.

A knight in white armor riding a dark armored stallion amidst the chaos of the battlefield, he who trudged the battlefield armed with a sword and a crossbow managed to defeat the enemies and unite the forces to counter against the dark.

[And the prophecy of his return is spoken by the heavens] (??) The return of the hero who was once called before is now set, his arrival was given as a prophecy spoken by the angels in her dream.

The shrine maiden looked at the stars up above, and then made a praying gesture.

[I pray for your safety o hero, I hope your mission ends well] (??)
Jack's POV

Morning came.

The night has been quite peaceful despite events that transpired yesterday. With the information about certain people coming after Lushea, I decided to consult about it later on with that witch.

Though I do hope she has a say on this one.

[Hmmm?] (Lushea) As usual I brought her some breakfast but this time I also brought in some sweets.

[Ah! It's pound cake!] (Lushea)

[Yeah yeah, but at least eat the main dish first] As if the bad vibes just disappeared, the innocent smile of the fairy sure made the bad vibes go away. As redundant as that may be, I was sure that her mood somehow made my mood improved too.

I looked at the scene outside as Ronin was not in the front of the inn, I decided to put it back in the INVENTORY for calling out later on in case of an emergency.

Sorry kids of the neighborhood, the neighborhood bot isn't available right now.

I had to remove Ronin from the scene to bait out whoever the fuck is after the little lass in front of me.

Who would want to abuse such an innocent creature anyway? And for what purpose? It makes me question about the humanity of whoever the fucker is. And to whoever he is, fuck him.

[Good Morning Lu-chan!] (Tanya)

[Ah! Tanya!] (Lushea) Well, at least I could ask Tanya to be with her for now. The two synergizes so well that perhaps they were once past friends or something...idk.

[With that, I shall leave her to your care]

[Uhn! I will take care of Lu-chan!] (Tanya) Arghhhhhh!!!!!!

The cuteness made my heart ache in various ways, goddamn!!!!!!! Arggghhh!!!!!

I am not a lolicon, but just seeing innocent kids play just makes me happy.

It's like seeing something cute and then your impulses just want to cause your hand to pet them nonstop.

But I? I held back.

Phew, with the dangers of my heart gone after going out of the room. It is now time to meet that bitch...rather that witch.

Will things really go my way even this time? The more I stay in this place, the more I learned of the dark side of society.

Murder, hubris, discrimination, and then illegal slavery. All of these is making me change my view of the fantasy world. Is this what it means living in another world with different cultures and traditions? God, I wished the angels have given me a definite guide to living in another world.

The guidebook I have in me only contains the basics such as monster ecology, basic survival, basic cqb movements and hints and tips in adventuring. It never talked about the dark side of society, which implies that I need to discover it myself.

[Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah] I wished I had a can of cold beer here with me, that would be great.

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