Chapter 34: The winning move

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A man who knows that he will die is the most dangerous man you will ever encounter

-IDK whoever said this

A huge AOE attack caught us in its blast, propelling me towards the wall and hitting my back at it.

Damn, that hurts like hell even more. I think I also broke a few bones too...ow.

[Pilot...] (Ronin)


My eyes were shocked by what I have seen. My heart quivered as Ronin stood in front of me with its back facing the origin of the blast and its arm open wide as it tried to mitigate the explosion while trying to protect me.

Parts soon started to fall from its back.


[Pilot, take care.........] (Ronin) It took out Ronin with a blast....holy shit. I wasn't even prepared to lose my one and only partner in this important life-threatening battle.



Holy shit.........that's even more than just problematic.

[Ptu!] (??)

[You do not get my feelings do you!!!!!!!!] Despite that, the onslaught from the slime was still ongoing.

Is giving up even an option? HELL NO it isn't. I want to live another day, I want to see them, I want to go on a quest, I want to find love and then visit the red light district at least once!!!!!

[Owaa!!!!!] What matters the most is that I am still mentally sane and physically able to fight back.

Picking up the fallen KRABER from the ground, I instantly retreated from the slime using the grappling hook and then propelled myself to the ceiling.

The slime's complexion has also returned to its normal soft body, which means this is a chance once again.


Throwing another sonar blade to the ground as the first expired, the weakness of the slime gets highlighted once again. Seeing this, I immediately aimed and shoot at the fast-relocating weakness as soon as it aligned with the sight.


I did not waste a second.


I shot another round right after cycling the bolt as soon as the slime gets stunned once again.


This time it ricocheted once again.

....I see, so it has now learned that a follow-up shot would be guaranteed hence it learned that it should harden its body to deflect the attack.

How clever for a slime indeed.

But that does not mean it will always harden itself forever.


Just a few seconds after the hardening expires, I fired a round at it stunning it in place.

This is crucial, as I now have an idea about how to defeat this creature.

At this point, since it is bulletproof, that means the shots that I have successfully landed did not do a thing.

What I needed to do is to deliver a solid blow at its core.

I don't need the sniper to do the stunning part! I just needed the pistol!

The RE-45 isn't optimal in my case as accuracy is needed, that is why...I took out the short sword as well as the cheat item.

RE: Summoned to the parallel world of swords and magic as a titan pilot Vol1Where stories live. Discover now