Chapter 37: Date?

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A break from serious chapters, I suppose would be nice.

This is not my first time writing some kind of heartwarming vanilla romantic scene but please do not get your hopes high.

-Author, suffering a heart burn while writing this chapter

They are still loitering around, those bastards.

[Crap.....] I looked at the map and saw that the red dot markers have increased quite a lot. This only means one thing and that Lushea's pursuers are still hot after her.

I looked at the map again and saw that the individual herself was helping at the kitchen downstairs. Phew, at least she's starting to get to know and trust the family owning this inn.

It's been exactly a week from my return, and I have been taking things lightly that it started to cause problems.

For now, I need to do something about the bastards that are looming around the area in search of her.

What to do? That's the question. I can't just blast these people into bits as they have a "noble" or two as their backer. Arghhh!!! Why can't they take a rest!?

I grit my teeth as I feel helpless. I may have the brute force to deal with the situation, but some rules prohibit being a vigilante especially when in the city. Mistress Irene was the one who told me not to be stupidly heroic. Rushing on things just because I can deal with it would mean leaving behind the people I care about quite vulnerable.

Haaaaaah. Also, it's been weeks since I heard last about Rynia and Ethan. When are those two coming back? I kind of miss them already...


[That could work....] Suddenly a brief moment of eureka hit me. It seems that I can do something about these bad people without getting myself in trouble.

Though...this could mean that I would be indebted to her. By her, I mean the person governing the security of the city.

[Kyu?] (Mime) I deployed a holographic image of me sitting at the chair near the window, purposely letting it show to the outsiders that I am reading something near the window.

[Let's go for a stroll] Well...I hope all goes well.
Considering the time and location is the most important aspect when it comes to secret meet-ups like those scenes in spy movies. A single mishap is all it would take to allow the enemies to know your goals...or so I thought it should.

[This is interesting] (Irene) Donned in a white one-piece summer dress with a straw hat in her head is the person I am meeting today. 

The witch, or so others call her is currently fiddling and groping Mime as if it's a stress ball (b**b stress ball) Also, does this count as a date?

[Can you stop doing that?]

[Hmmm? Why though? I am not hurting it, and my nature as a researcher peaked when I saw this cute fellow] (Irene) Mime does not care as it's being fed some food, just does not seem normal under all circumstances.

It's....yeah, it's gross.

Despite that, the person did not take my feelings into account. As expected, she's a hundred-year-old hag-

[Ouch! What's that for?!] She stepped on my foot....this bitch.

[I felt malice in your thoughts. Care to share what's on your mind~?] (Irene) An eerie smile...She's sharp.

While I was suffering the pain from my foot, the witch was just sipping tea and minding her own. Curses...the heels of her shoes are quite the damage dealer.

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