Water (Johnnyboy)

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Original author: TheOutsidersOneshots

Johnny's POV

We decided that the gang needed to relax at the lake for a day. After those boys tried to kill Pony and I pulled out a knife, we needed relaxation.

As we got out of the cars, everyone began to strip. I slowly pulled off my shirt, feeling self conscious. I looked over at Pony, who stood completely still, staring into space. He looked upset.

"Hey Pone, you okay?" I asked. He snapped out of his haze and just looked down.

"I dunno. Maybe uh, I should stay up here?" I raised an eyebrow. I walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"What's a matter, Pony? And don't you say nothing, because there's somethin wrong
Pony sighed. "I don't want to swim."

I looked at him confused. He loved swimming!

"May I ask why?"

He sniffled. "Ever since those boys, they tried t-to drown me, I ain't liked w-water, alright?"

I opened my mouth in realization. I got closer and hugged him. "You ain't gotta be scared Ponyboy, I'm right here! If you don't wanna get in, I'll stay up
here by you!"

He smiled a little. "I think I might get in, just a bit."

I grinned him. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him over to the water, away from the area where the others were swimming.

"Say, Pony, would you like a piggyback ride?" I asked in the water. He thought for a moment, then nodded. He crawled onto my back and I started to
walk around.

Ponyboy leaned forward and rested his head on top of mine. I smiled at the feeling. Then he kissed the top of my head, and I blushed somethin awful. I knew even my tan skin wouldn't cover the heat on my cheeks. I went back to the real shallow and set him down, then turned to Pony.

"You still scared of water?"

"Not's long as you're here, Johnnycakes." He smiled, then kissed my nose. Again, my face heated up, and I kissed his nose. We continued back and forth until someone cleared their throat.

"Gross! They're bein' all cute 'n fluffy! Ick." Two-bit pretending to puke. Pony laughed and I looked down, imagining I was probably redder than a ripe tomato.

I guess that as long as Pony wasn't too scared of water no more, I guess it was really worth it.

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