Tops (Johnnyboy)

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Original Author: makara_at_heart

"So, which one of you tops?" Two-Bit bluntly spoke out across the table with a playful smirk.

The rest of the boys in our group looked amongst each other, obviously not expecting the words to leave Two-Bit's mouth.

I knew the answer, Johnny knew the answer, but I wasn't looking fondly on telling everyone that Johnny Cade, the kicked puppy of the group, can so easily control me with a single

Johnny's mouth curved into that oh-so-familiar smirk before giving me a playful look and raising his voice,

"Go on, Ponyboy, tell them who tops." I could tell my face was reddening by the minute, the guys in the group clearly knew the answer already from Johnny's tone of voice, but they were waiting for me to admit how weak that kicked puppy makes me.

The thing about Johnny Cade was that if you knew him, you would have never thought him to be as dominant as he is, you'd have thought that he would run even at the idea of being the dominant one in the relationship.

The thing with our relationship was, Johnny tops and we both are equally dominant in the romance area with each other.

Snickers were heard across the almost silent table until Johnny broke his kicked puppy cover.

He raised his hand to my jaw and focused my attention on him. I looked up in his eyes.

Johnny's eyes are some of the most expressive eyes I've ever seen. He doesn't say much, but he doesn't need to, his eyes do the talking.

Johnny himself doesn't know how amazing his eyes are, but they're one of the reasons I love him so much.

At this particular moment, his eyes had several
emotion, but the most prominent one was lust.
Every time he looks at me with his eyes leaking of lust, it always makes me weak at the knees, and Johnny knows it.

He often uses it to his advantage, but then again, he doesn't know that I know when his eyes are lustful to point of making me flop to
the floor with enamored eyes.

He raised his voice just so I could hear him and
said, "Why don't you tell them exactly how helpless you look being held down to a bed?" A vibrant flame dashed across my as I quickly pulled away from his and look straight down at the table.

The entire group burst into laughter at our millisecond exchange, except for maybe Darry.

I looked back at Johnny for a second and I could tell exactly what he wanted to do tonight.

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