Fountain Fun (Dallyboy)

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Original Author: SnarrylsLifeBitch

Dally scoffed and walked away from the group. Pony watched him for a moment before following him.

He didn't know why he was following him, just that he didnt want Dally to be alone at the moment.

Dally turned his head when he realized he was being followed and looked at Pony surprised.

"Why are you followin me kid?" Pony shrugged and walked up so he was standing next to Dally.

"I don't know, I just didnt want you to be alone.." he said quietly. Dally sighed.

"Alright, come on then" he said. Pony looked up at him in shock.


Dally looked at him with an annoyed face.

"Shut up before I change my mind." He said as he started walking away. Pony nodded and followed him.

They ended up at the park, sitting on the edge of the fountain.

Pony was splashing the water around while Dally watched. While splashing the water
around some of the water got on Dally. He made a noise of surprise and splashed water at Pony.

Eventually Dally lost his balance while splashing Pony and fell in the fountain, bringing the younger greaser with him.

They both sat up laughing before realizing their position. Pony was straddling Dally's lap and Dally had one hand on Pony's hip.

Pony blushed and got out of the fountain, holding out his hand to help the hood. When they were both out of the fountain they sat there in an awkward silence, neither wanting to address the situation.

After a while Dally looked over at Pony, noticing he was blushing and picking at his Jean's. Dally rubbed the back of his neck and looked away.

"So." he started, not really knowing what to say.

"So." Pony echoed, not knowing what to say either.

Dally fully turned towards Pony and pulled him towards him, making him squeak in surprise.

Pony's blush darkened as he looked at Dally, who leaned down and kissed him when he looked up.

Pony's eyes widened and he didnt move for a moment before melting into the kiss. They broke it after a few seconds and stared at eachother.

Pony blushed a bright red and hid his face in Dally's shoulder, making the hood chuckle a little.

They walked back to Curtis house together, Dally getting the big brother talk about hurting Pony, and then spent the night in the living room together.

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