Hcs: When you/he cries

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Hcs: When you cry in front of him for the first time / When he cries in front of you for the first time

Relationship type: romantic, established relationship

Context: Even before they started dating, neither of them had ever cried in front of the other, but everything has its first time.

Gender neutral, no gender flex.

Words: 772(hcs), 812(all)


When you cry:

🍖He panics. He asks "What's wrong!? What happened??? Did someone make you cry? Tell me who it was and I'll kick their ass!" But with no answer, you keep sobbing and sniffling as tears stream down your face.

🍖He was never the best at comforting people, he himself was always neglected and ignored when he cried so he really didn't know what he could do to help.

🍖He tries to make you laugh or smile, he doesn't like to see you sad/crying, makes him feel bad. "Look what I can do, (Y/n)!" He twists and curls his face in random ways, trying anything that might distract you from whatever made you cry. (Like he did when Nami got sick.)

🍖He also asks Sanji to make/get some food you like/food you use for your own comfort, food always makes him feel good so if you eat it you'll probably feel good too!

🍖He may even share his meat with you that day, but you have to eat it fast otherwise he'll end up eating it all by himself (it's the intention that counts-).

🍖But if all that doesn't work, he really panics. He scratches his arm, his head, the back of his neck, he almost gets a fever from trying so hard to think of something that can cheer you up. (He would probably start crying too-)

🍖The last thing he can think to do is put his hat on your head and take you to the roof of the crow's nest, where Zoro trains.  He likes to go there to get his head on straight or enjoy the view, and nobody's going to bother them there, so it's the perfect place.

🍖He lies down with you leaning against his chest, one arm behind his head and the other on your back, gently sliding up and down. He's not good with words, so staying silent until you calm down is the best he can do, silently telling you that he's here and that he cares, he just can't quite understand you or what you want him to do or say.

🍖He doesn't pressure you to tell what happened or what made you sad, he just asks if it was someone from the crew/someone he knows, if the answer is no, he doesn't ask any more. If you want to open up to him, he's all ears. He tries to be a good listener if it will make you feel better.

🍖He may not be good at comforting people, understanding you or telling you what you want to hear, but he tries to show that he cares and that he is always there if you need him. He hates to see you sad and his world falls apart when you cry and he is easily anxious and confused about what he should do, but he tries his best.


When he cries:

♡You are certainly much more understanding and have a better sense of what to do in this situation, but you would also panic at first.

♡When he cries for the first time in front of you, you are a little surprised. The last thing you expected to see was Luffy so depressed like this. He cry, grumbles and above all he cries a lot.

♡Your heart sinks at the scene, but your brain immediately snaps you back to your senses, telling you that now he needs you and you need to be with him.

♡Your first instinct is to bring him in for a hug, a tight but warm and comforting hug. He leans his head on his shoulder as his arms circle around you several times, getting you as close to him as possible.

♡You remain silent, letting him pour whatever he has out. One of your hands strokes his back gently as a way of comforting him.

♡Once he calms down you ask him if he wants to talk about what made him sad, probably his answer would be no but if you are a little more insistent he will open up.

♡Regardless of whether you insist on him opening up or not, you grab some snacks from the kitchen and give them to him, since food always makes him feel better.

♡ With that, you discovered that in addition to you needed to help him be king of the pirates, you needed to protect his smile. Protect him from his own demons.

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