An Actual Author's Note (no, seriously)

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As any of you who have been along for the Double Shot ride would well know, this book's development has been what might be politely called 'bumpy.' Let's not speculate as to what it might be impolitely called.

And a part of that bumpy ride has been my lame-arsed excuses for said bumpiness, in the form of allegedly 'short' author's notes, of which there are now quite a few. I've generally unpublished these notes whenever the story has jerked back into life like the unkillable zombie menace it sometimes seems to have become, because saying why the book isn't happening when the book is happening is a little, well...stupid.

But I've never been one to let that stop me. So, for the completists and/or masochists among you, I've republished all these notes in chronological order, starting from after this one. You are not required to read them, there will not be a test and I'm really hoping there won't be any more of 'em.

Fingers crossed.

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