The Author's Note - It's Back

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What's so great about jet-packs anyway? Really? When it comes down to it? I mean, yeah, you can soar through the clouds, bypass traffic jams, execute barrel-rolls while muttering "I am Iron Man", and just generally superhero-up your day. There is all that. Sounds great, doesn't it?

But what about your bum?

Think about it. What if your build is of the more curvaceous variety? If you're the kind of peep of which Sir Mix-a-Lot heartily approves? It's gonna get pretty ugly, isn't it? Take this built-to-scale, high-tech prototype model:-

 What if your build is of the more curvaceous variety? If you're the kind of peep of which Sir Mix-a-Lot heartily approves? It's gonna get pretty ugly, isn't it? Take this built-to-scale, high-tech prototype model:-

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Is a joyous surge up into the wild blue yonder what you're going to get? Maybe. But odds are it's gonna come with a healthy serve of well-done rump. Youch.

And on top of that, you've got to contend with the whole high-speed-bugs-to-the-face issue, work out how to steer the thing, accept that you're going to get some serious jetpack-hair and then figure out where to fuel up. You think range-anxiety is bad when you're barrelling along the interstate in your Tesla? Try running on rocket fuel, my friend. And don't get me started on the emissions nightmare. Yep, it's safe to say practical, affordable, climate(and butt)-friendly jetpacks are still some way off.

Which is bloody lucky, because so is the rest of this book. But it is coming. Eventually. Honest.

Hang in there, people. Person? Anyone?


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