Break away

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It was time for the group to go on a short vacation. The management selected a place for them to chill out for a week do their own thing away from prying eyes.
The only thing they were told was which type of clothes to pack. This time they had been told to prepare for warm weather.
Jimin went on a shopping spree beforehand, although eating better now he seemed to be sticking to the same weight his prior puppyfat disappeared finally.
They took a private plane and found themselves staying at a massive house with a beachfront location .
Jimin loved beaches and as soon as they arrived he kicked off his shoes and ran down to the shoreline.
The others watched his childish antics laughing and Jungkook took his camera out snapping away.
"Isn't it great here look at that lovely sea, we can have evening barbecues listening to the waves."
"Jimin that's a good idea it's going to be so relaxing here now let's see what rooms we have."
There were seven rooms each different, in fairness they did rock paper scissors to pull a number out of a dish which would tell them the room they had.
RM had one that looked towards the front of the house and gardens. Jin a ground level beach facing, Suga and Tae next to each other with a connecting balcony, Hobi across the hall from them facing the front and Jimin and Jungkook a converted attic room each with a shared veranda.
Jimin opened his veranda door leaning to look down at the beach in front, Jungkook came from his room standing there too.
"I think I'm going to get some good pictures here."
"You and your camera but it is beautiful," Jimin said staring out.
"Yer, beautiful," but Jungkook wasn't looking at the beach he was looking at Jimin.
"I'm going down to see what else there is but I need to change first it's so hot!" Jimin said, making his way back inside.
Jungkook went to his room going to unpack and realising he had one of Jimins bags too. He went to the veranda intending to pass it through but stopped as he looked into Jimins room. The other had his back to him, dressed just in boxers bending down for something showing of his ass nicely. He stood up and his slim waist and perfect body were easy on the eye, Jungkook looked at his muscly thighs imagining them wrapped around his waist as.....,Woah ! This was becoming a habit....., he stepped back to his room taking deep breaths to control himself, then making a bit of a racket he went back onto the veranda calling Jimins name.
"What's up Kookie? Oh my bag I thought I'd left it downstairs." Jimin smiled, he was dressed in shorts and vest top now much to Jungkooks relief.
"I must have picked it up by mistake, I'm gonna change too."
They suddenly heard a noise on the beach,
"Beach buggies!! Yay hurry up Kookie see you down there.!"
Jimin went down as Jungkook went to change. He sat on his bed, what was happening with him? His head seemed to be filled with Jimin, he found himself watching him a lot, hell he'd started watching gay porn! He'd found himself imagining doing some of it with the smaller male, imagined him writhing underneath him, even bought lube!!
He got downstairs and walked outside, there were two buggies at the moment Tae and Jimin were racing along the beach, Jimins giggle heard above the noise.
He drove back letting Jungkook have a go.
Flopping on the sand he watched the other race off smiling as  Jin now on the other one tried to rush past him Kookies competitive nature not allowing it.
It was late afternoon so Jimin left the others messing around and went to check out the barbecue, he soon had it heating up as he went to see the supplies they had.
He found steaks, pork belly, and chicken, taking it out he put the chicken bits on first, as they took longer, then later the other meat rushing back and forth to make side dishes and set up the outside table, the aroma wafted along the beach and the others came back.
"Wow Jimin good job!"
" I've just got to get the drinks...."
"No sit down, you've done enough,"
Soon an ice bucket and beers were brought out along with water.
They sat comfortably as the sun went down, eating the food and then taking seats to sit around a small fire pit whose glow kept them warm as the temperature dropped.
"It's nice here, nobody to be accountable to," Jimin said quietly.
"You ok Jimin?"
"Yer, just sometimes I feel like I'm under a microscope, I think about the future, I want a family but how likely is it, I'm gay in a country that doesn't acknowledge it. Does that mean to be accepted I'll have to live abroad find someone and adopt kids?"
"Times are changing Jimin, the old guard can't deny the way of the world it's outdated and wrong you shouldn't have to deny a love and you can adopt or use a surrogate nowadays, you'll get your family." RM said.
"I think you'd be a good dad, or would it be mum?" Tae asked making Jimin laugh.
"Well unlike the fanfics we used to read where a man could get pregnant, I think I'd be dad so would my partner. What about you guys ever thought about it?"
"Kids wouldn't let me sleep," Suga said
Everyone burst out laughing.
"I hope I have kids and all of you do and they grow up to be as friends like us," Hobi said.
"Well at least I could blame the kids if something got broken," said wreck it man RM.
"You wouldn't !!" Jin said shocked.
RM just smiled evilly.
"I would like two who would be cute and adorable."
"Just like you eh Tae?" Jimin said
"Of course!"
"Well mine would be handsome like me, " Jin said,
"what about you Jungkook.?"
"I don't know, not really thought that far ahead."
"You know you all gotta find someone first before you have little brats," Suga piped in.
"Boo!!spoiler alert!" Tae said shaking a beer and opening it so it sprayed over Suga who with a speed the others didn't know he had chased down Tae carrying him down to the shoreline and dropping him in the water.
A free for all ensued with all of them running on the moonlit beach splashing each other until tiredly they made their way back.
"Eugh!im soaked, I'm gonna shower then bed," Tae said, drifting off.
Jimin gathered the plates and cups tidying the barbecue and taking the stuff inside that everyone else seemed to have forgotten about.
He was standing at the sink when Jin came back,
"Sorry Jimin I wanted to dry off and change before I did this."
"It's ok,"
"Your shivering go dry off,"
"No it will get done sooner,"
"Do as he says, I'll help," Jungkook took in the bedraggled figure, he'd showered and put on sweats to feel warmer, the nights certainly were cooler.
"Ok..., it is a bit cold,"
Jimin padded away, RM came in hurriedly, "god I'm sorry I forgot all this thanks you two for clearing up and bringing it in!"
"Jimin did it, but we sent him up to shower and warm up, "
"Do you think he's ok now?"
"He's eating and he laughs a lot more but he still holds back not instigating any skin ship like he used to."
"I need a hot drink I'll put the kettle on," RM said
Jungkook and Jin looked at each other," we'll do it!"
"Oh come on I'm not that bad!" RM protested earning disbelieving looks from the other two.
Hobi drifted in, "Sugas already asleep, I'm off to night,"
The three nodded, sitting on the sofas with a hot drink, Jimin came down in sweats and oversized top hanging off his shoulder bare feet showing," oooh hot drink good idea!"
Jungkook thought how cute he looked. He came and sat on the sofa legs tucked up," I wonder what we will do tomorrow?"
"Well we usually get a text if something is planned otherwise anything we want I suppose, I saw some bikes in the garage I might go out on one, there's paint and canvases too Jungkook,"
"Really I might have a go."
"Well I'm going to bed, it's been a long day," Jin said
"Me too,night"RM said.
Jungkook and Jimin were left there.
"Did you have fun today Jimin?"
"Yes, it was relaxing,you?"
"It's always nice to chill out, but I wasn't going to let Jin win the race!"
"Your so competitive!!"
"Am not!!"
"Who insisted they could eat the most dumplings?"
"Well I did!"
"You saw Tae was doing well and crammed them down so he couldn't eat them only to throw up half an hour later!"
"Still won!"
Jimin giggled," your face though you looked green I don't know what was funnier the speed you ate them or the speed they came up!!" He burst out laughing.
"Oh funny was it see how funny this is," Jungkook smiled evilly coming towards Jimin and tickling his ri bs knowing how ticklish he was.
"No,no stop, mercy!" Jimin squirmed and wriggled trying to get away, laughing at the same time but Jungkook had no mercy, he pulled Jimin closer and rolled him under him relentlessly holding his hands above his head while tickling with the other.
Jungkook looked down at the laughing face then stopped the tickling, his eyes took in the pouty lips and flushed face then his body took in how close they were,.
"Your so pretty Jimin," he said
Jimin looked dazed had Kookie called him pretty?
Still holding Jimins arms above his head he caressed the side of Jimins face," so very pretty."
"Can I kiss you?"
Jimins eyes widened in shock, hope flared then, a dullness came,"Don't play with me Kookie, it's not nice to tease."
"Who's teasing?" Jungkook leaned down, pressing his lips against the others biting the plump bottom lip for entrance, Jimin let out a soft moan into the kiss, the sound instantly making Jungkook hard. He rubbed against Jimin his sweats not hiding the attraction he felt.Jimin too reacted pushing himself against the other.
A sound of a door opening upstairs had them breaking apart, Jungkook quickly sat up covering his lap with a cushion while Jimin rushed to the kitchen washing used cups up.
Tae came down , "you still up?"
"Er yer we had a hot drink, Jimins washing up,"
"I came for some water."
"Oh hi Tae,er I'm off to bed now," Jimin said not looking at Jungkook and quickly going upstairs.
"He ok? Looks a bit flushed?"
"Does he, hope he's not getting a chill he stayed in his wet clothes clearing up earlier, Jin and I sent him up to have a hot shower, the temperature drops here at night."
"Oh gosh I forgot we hadn't cleared up, well he better be ok don't want to be I'll on vacation, night"
Tae left leaving Jungkook sat there," fuck! " he muttered then made his way upstairs stopping outside Jimins door about to knock then deciding not too, if Jimin had wanted to continue he would have stayed.
Jimin heard Jungkooks door close and breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't know why it had happened but he knew he had wanted more but Jungkook was straight wasn't he? Groaning into his pillow he closed his eyes falling asleep to vivid dreams of Jungkook getting hard for him.

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