Happy hearts

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Jimin was surprised to see Jungkook there when he woke. He went to slip from the bed but a hand grabbed him.
"Where you going," a sleepy voice said.
"Kookie we should go down the others might get suspicious"
"Let them"
"You know you don't mean that, why are you in here anyway,"

"Because you looked cute and cuddly and I wanted to sleep with you."
"Oh,er well I'm going down, I can help do our evening meal."
Jungkook huffed letting the other go then ten minutes later he went down.
"Looks like we all had a nap," Jin said" how about a barbecue again?"
They all cheered and got stuck in and soon the air filled with the smell of meat cooking.
Music was put on and they sat eating and drinking.
"It's nice here, I wouldn't mind coming back." RM muttered.
"Yer, soon be back working our asses off," Suga mumbled.
"Hey Jimin let's dance," Hobi yelled
The pair got up dancing to the beat their moves getting more and more exaggerated until they collapsed laughing.
"Let's play truth or dare!" Tae said.
A few groans came out but they agreed.
"RM truth or dare?"
"Have you ever fancied someone?"
"Tae!!eugh ok, yes, my fifth grade teacher, she was so small and pretty I used to want to follow her around like a live sick puppy!"
They all burst out laughing.
"Jimin truth or dare?"
"Have you ever used your height to your advantage?"
"Hey you!!" He ran after Tae smacking his back before sitting down," yes I have, when we were at the dorm it was my turn to put away the dishes and you came in Tae so I made out I couldn't reach the shelf properly so you put them away for me!" He poked his tongue out at his friend who laughed.
"Aw, ok then Jiminee ask me something, "
"Truth or dare Tae?"
"I dare you to go sit next to Suga and act romantic!"
"Hey!" Suga growled.
Tae got up approaching the other and sitting next to him, his eyes never leaving Suga's face.
"Suga have I ever told you how your beautiful smile affects me, it's so rare, like the sun beaming it's rays across us," he ran his hand down Suga's cheek.
"Any nearer and I'll cut your balls off," Suga said belligerently. The rest rolled up with laughter tears running down their faces.
"Oh god Suga you look like you would kill him!!!"
"My turn, my turn "
Jin said excitedly
"Truth or dare?"
"I dare you to say your not the worldwides handsomest man!"
"Oh no that's cruel, I can't possibly say that!!"
"Forfeit, forfeit!!"
They made Jin drink two shots.
"Are you really as grumpy as you make out?!?!"
"I'm not grumpy! We'll mostly not but sometimes you lot drive me nuts..., except Jimin, he's cute."
"Thanks Suga!"
"No problem," the other said then smiled,
"Dare you to pick up the bug that's walking up your leg,"
"What!!!! " Hobi jumped up screaming like a lunatic jumping up and down.
"It's gone you scared it!"
"Omg I'm gonna die!"
He drank down a shot coughing.
"Dare of course."
Tae laughed evilly glancing around.9
"I dare you to give a full on kiss to one of the members,"
"Don't come near me," Suga said backing away, the rest laughed puckering up their lips.
"He won't do it, he's a ladies man!!"
Jungkook got up then stared around as if considering then walked to Jimin pulling him close and kissing him passionately.
"Wow let him have it!!!"
Jimin struggled red with embaressment,
Jungkook finally let him go amid cheers and catcalls echoing.
"Jungkook are you gay?!?"
"Only for Jimin," he said but he meant it,
"I know it's late but shall we go for a stroll on the beach?"
They made their way down walking along.
"Look how the moon shines across the water..."Jimin murmured.
"It is pretty...." RM agreed
"Very," Jungkook said but his attention wasn't in the moon.
"Tag,your it!" Yelled Tae slapping Jin on the backside.
"Yah!!! You!!" Tae ran off so Jin turned his attention on the others.Suga gave him an ' I dare you to ' look so he swatted Hobi instead who then chased after Jimin forgetting how fast he was,giving up as Jimin shot further away giggling.
"Eugh! I give in, I'm going to bed!"
Hobi left RM following, one by one they walked back except Jimin who said he'd stay for a while.
He sat in the sand, jumping when someone sat next to him putting a jacket around his shoulders.
"It's getting chilly," Jungkook said before sitting next to him.
"It's ok go back I'll just stay a little longer."
"Nope, I don't want you here on your own."
"Kookie I'm not a baby!"
He was suddenly pushed back on the sand.
"Yes you are, your my baby,"
Lips claimed him, demanding entrance, he moaned opening for his lover.
Jungkook pressed his body against the others pushing him further into the sand. Jimin looping his arms around Jungkooks neck.
"I want you," Jungkook said grinding against the other .
"We can't ...." Jimin said but not too convincingly
"We can,"
Jungkook stripped off his shorts and boxers revealing his aroused member, he freed Jimin off his bottom clothing , going down on him straight away.
"Oh fuck!" Jimin moaned
Jungkook sucked and licked , as his fingers drifted towards Jimins hole.
He slid one in the suddenness making Jimn squirm.
Jungkook released Jimins length to push his top up and place kisses all the way up his body nipping his nipples which turned into tight buds.
The sounds Jimin gave we're making him crazy, he turned them so Jimin was sitting astride him.
"Ride me Jimin !"
Jimin carefully rose up then came down in Jungkook gasping as he went in," ahhh, Kookie I won't last long,"
"Me neither,"
Jimin rode him frantically, Jungkook joining in thrusting up and hitting the bundle of nerves inside Jimin.
He let out a small wail as excitement built then suddenly he came, ejecting over Jungkooks abdomen.
Jungkook saw the blissful look over Jimins face thrust twice more and released," fuuuuck!!!"
They sat there in the sand panting. Jimin carefully got up.
"Oops we are both sticky,"
Jungkook reached into the sand for his boxers wiping himself off and slipping his shorts on.
Jimin used his boxers to clean himself up before putting his shorts on, hiding both boxers in the jacket pockets.
Brushing themselves down they went back to the house finding everyone had gone to bed.
They got to their floor and Jimin turned to the other,
"Erm, we'll..., night."
Instead of leaving Jungkook came in,
"I want to stay with you,"
Surprised, Jimin nodded then undressing went in the shower to clean up, jungkook coming in and back hugging him leaving a hickey on his collarbone. They dried off and climbed naked into bed, Jungkook curling Jimin too him holding him possesively.
And that's how they slept falling into a dreamless sleep only to be awakened the next morning by a shrill scream,
"What the hell!!!"

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