Beware the jealous gremlin

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"We have a text"
"be ready at seven pm to be taken to a local party to eat drink and be merry"
"That should be fun," Hobi said
"Mmm and we have the rest of the day to do what we want."
All seven were up, seated around the large table having breakfast.
"I've got some lyrics I wanna write down so I'm going down to the beach," Suga said
"I'm going to paint," Jungkook said
"Bike ride"Rm
"Read a book in the hammock" Jimin said
"Take the jeep in the garage and drive around," Tae said
"I'll come!!" Jin and Hobi said.
"Right, those who didn't help last night can clear up the breakfast stuff," Jin announced.
Jimin went upstairs to collect his book, going out to the hammock and laying down in it opening the book he'd had for ages but not had the time to read.
RM and Jungkook went into the garage, RM picked a bike then helped Jungkook carry an easel a canvas and paints around the back where he sat under a palm tree facing the beach about six foot away from Jimin.
Suga wandered down to the beach with a deckchair and writing pad.
The jeep was heard starting up and disappearing down the road.
"I'm off," RM called riding out.
Jungkook looked around deciding what to paint, the beach? House? He looked over and then saw his subject, Jimin lay languidly in the hammock, his eyes now closed the book on his chest one leg over the side of the hammock, the sound of the sea sending him to sleep.
Jungkook smiled sketching it out first then gradually painting.
Jimins eyes fluttered open, gosh he must have drifted off, about to move he heard,
"Wait , don't move yet,"
Glancing over he saw Jungkook paintbrush in hand glancing back and forth at him.
"Are you painting me?"
"But there's all this beautiful scenery,"
"Your part of the beautiful scenery,"
Jimin blushed, " you sound like your flirting!"
"Is it working?"
"Hey you two, shall I get some cold drinks?"
Suga came up carrying his deckchair and putting it in a shady area," wow it's hot,"
"Yes please," Jimin said swinging back and forth in the hammock.
"Oops sorry!"
Suga went to look at Jungkooks painting," wow that's really good, you could always be an artist. If the singing doesn't work out," he joked, Going inside and coming out with three cold soft drinks and passing them one each.
"That looks comfy," he said to Jimin who hopped out , " have a go, I fell asleep...., oh, er sorry Kookie,"
"It's fine, the main parts done I just need to do the background."
Jimin went over sneaking a look amazed when he saw it , " I look so...."
"Well I was going to say good, but relaxed will do!!"
He sat in the deckchair opening the book again this time reading it. Suga fell asleep and Jungkook painted. Jimin stood up after an hour and said he would make a light lunch, jungkook stopped painting and went and washed up, then helped Jimin carry the food and drinks out. Suga woke up." I think that's gonna be my favourite spot "he said climbing out of the hammock and sitting on the grass with the other two eating fruit and sandwiches.
RM came around," phew that was hot, oh can I join you?"
"I'll make some more " Jimin jumped up to refill plates and brought some drinks out.
RM was looking at Jungkooks painting,
"Your really talented, it's very good,"
"Thanks the subject was easy to work with,"
"Only because you sneakily did it while I was asleep!" Jimin snorted making the others laugh.
"I'm going to swim in the sea,"
"Wait you've only just eaten," Jimin worried
"Ok mum, I'll wash this lot up and change then swim is that ok?"
"Fine," Jimin mumbled.
"I might use the hammock "RM said
Suga and Jimin looked at each other,
"Er why not use the deckchair it's in the shade and your probably going to need to rest those legs after all that riding, better to do it in the shade," Jimin said.
"Mmm your right, the shade will be better." He sat down getting comfortable completely missing the high five Jimin and Suga gave each other on not having their beloved hammock broken.
Jungkook came out with trunks on and a towel, his well muscled chest on display. Jimin stared he couldn't help it, his eyes rose to find Jungkook smirking at him.
"I'll walk down with you Jungkook, I need to stretch my legs," Suga said.
"Jimin, coming?"
"Oh er no, I'm going to watch tv," he scrambled up and went inside his cheeks hot.
At four thirty the others came back full of the day they had, had.
"I'm having a nap then getting ready," Jin said.
Jungkook had carried on with his painting after swimming it was now in the corner of the room on the easel, Tae and Hobi admiring it.
"You should frame it Jungkook."
"Our managers could put it up in the building with other memorabilia."
"I might keep it, put it in the dorm, what do you think Jimin?"
"Um, I like it I really do but you lot see enough of me as it is do you really want me on the walls as well?"
"We can never get enough of you Jimin," Tae said, Hobi nodding. They both went to their rooms, Jimin got up from the tv to go take a better look at the painting, it was good really good, but hadn't Jungkook made him look too sexy, t shirt edge hitched up as he slept, hair tousled...
"Maybe I'll put it above my bed, what do you think?" Jungkook whispered in his ear.
Jimin blushed deeply glancing over at Suga who was laughing at some tv show.
"Sssh, don't talk like that,"
"Why? I can't think of a better place for you to be!"
"I'm going upstairs sort some clothes out...." He gabbled rushing off.
Jungkook just smiled.
A minibus picked them up and they were taken twenty minutes away to a local beachside bar and restaurant where island music played and people danced.
Local dancers were putting on a show and the music was lively, the dancers encouraged Jimin Hobi and Tae to get up and dance with them while the others cheered and clapped. Jimin threw himself into it the biggest smile on his face one of the male dancers showing him the moves getting very close, Jungkook felt irritated, why did he touch him so much the others weren't doing it to Tae or Hobi. Jimin flashed a smile at the man who nodded and smiled back. The three sat back down laughing," that was fun," Jimin said.
"What you like having some stranger touch you up?" Jungkook hissed in his ear.
"What don't be silly he was just showing us the moves ,"
"Oh he was showing you his moves alright,"
"Don't be an ass, Kookie," Jimin said dragging Jin up to the dance floor when a song they knew was played.
Jungkook sat and watched, he noticed the looks Jimin was getting and who could blame them, he was mesmerising to watch when he danced, Hobi and RM got up joining in laughing.
"Not gonna join in Kook?" Tae asked.
"I'm tired, too much sun," he lied his eyes never leaving Jimin, his jaw clenching when he saw someone 'accidentally 'bumping into him from behind and holding his hips to steady him.
As the night wore on Jungkook got more irritated, finally it was time to go, they waved their good byes and travelled back.
Once there most went straight to bed, until it was just Jungkook and Jimin.
"Have fun?" Jungkook asked sarcastically
"Yes it was good,"
"Which bit did you like best the groping or the bumping into?"
"What? Look I don't know what you think you saw but it was all in your imagination, goodnight I'm going to bed!"
He walked off up the stairs Jungkook staring after him before following hot on his heels. They got to the top floor and opened their doors, jimin turning to say,
"If you hadn't been such an ass you might have enjoyed yourself!"
His arm was grabbed and he was pulled into Jungkooks room the door shut and him pushed against it," I'm an ass? I watched you let someone grope you , someone else touch you, I don't like it, you know why because. I want you and nobody touches what's mine!" He slammed his lips against Jimins in a passionate kiss that had Jimin weakening and kissing him back.
Jungkook pulled back and pulled of his top ,," and I'm gonna make you mine,"
Jimin felt a thrill run through him as he saw the lust in the others eyes, saying nothing but allowing Jungkook to lift up and pull his top off too before joining their lips in a kiss that promised more to come.

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