Future promises

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"I can't believe all this food!" Tae said
Filming had gone well, questions had been fun and the rewards even better.
There was steak, wine, pork belly, kimchi, noodles, fruit,beers,fish,deserts.
"Jin when shall we have this," Hobi asked
Looking around and seeing Jimin and Jungkook going for a walk on the beach he called the others over.
"I have a plan," he said explaining to the others.
Jungkook swung Jimins hand in his as they walked on the sand then unable to resist any longer he swung Jimin around claiming his lips.
"God," he groaned," I've been wanting to do that for hours, I thought they'd never leave!"
Jimin blushed," I can't get used to this, I know it's temporary but it still feels nice."
Jungkook lifted Jimins head up," Jimin just what is it that you think is going on?"
Jimin bit his lip worried he'd angered the other.
"I-I know this will disappear soon, that it's something you wanted to try a-and it's ok really it is,b-but when you've had enough I hope we can, be friends still."
Jungkook stared down at the other then pulled him close.
"Look at me!"
Jimin lifted his head slowly to face the other.
"Jimin it hurts that you have so little regard for yourself that you would allow someone to use you like that...., it's not ok....., I love you Jimin."
"I love you, all of you, your smile, your kind nature, definitely your body, everything about you, I wish you believed in yourself and didn't get worried or scared by things but I want to be with you, not temporarily but always, I want a future with you."
Jimin stood in shock, everything he'd wanted was just given to him.
"Jimin? Say something....!"
"I love you too Kookie, I always have!" He jumped up hooking his legs around the others waist and kissing him passionately.
"Fuck I adore you Park Jimin," Jungkook groaned against his mouth, his hands under Jimins ass holding him up.
They carried on kissing then Jimin slid down holding Jungkooks hand and walking.
"I never thought you'd turn gay for me!"
"Only for you,"
"But you were flirting with those girls,"
"And was jealous as hell of you around another man."
"What if fans find out?"
"Let them, it's their choice to accept us or not, love is love regardless of gender, I'm not going to hide your not some dirty little secret."
"Aw Kookie that's so sweet....,race you back it's getting dark."
Jimin ran swiftly but was no match for the athletic taller male who caught him swung him around and then they walked inside to be greeted by a dressed up Hobi.
"Sirs if you would like to wash up I will escort you to your table."
Jimin and Jungkook washed up and let Hobi lead them to the dining table, where a dressed up RM waited.
"Sirs tonight's dish of the day is steak is that acceptable?"
Jimin giggled and they both nodded Rm leaving to go to the kitchen. Suga stepped up.
"Sirs May I recommend this wine?" He poured some into Jungkooks glass letting him taste it then filled both glasses when he nodded.
They suddenly heard soft saxophone music and saw Tae playing off to the side smiling at them.
Hobi and Jin carried in two plates . Beautifully done steaks and side dishes sat there and were placed in front of the two.
Both tucked in laughing, this was their promised steak dinner.
The food was lovely and the wine went down well.
RM took the plates away watched over by Jin, then Suga and Hobi brought in a platter with bite size deserts.
They each picked what they wanted until Jimin sat back," gosh I'm full!"
Tae stopped playing and collected the plates going to the kitchen, Jimin and Jungkook could hear plates being washed and put away.
They got up and sat on a sofa watching tv.
The other five walked in,
"Right we are off to town to eat, enjoy fellas!" RM said.
Jimin stood up and ran hugging them all,
"Thank you for tonight it was lovely!"
"Your welcome, now come on I'm hungry!"
They left leaving the two there. Jimin sat down again twisting his fingers together.
"What's up love?"
"Nothing...., I don't know what to do, this is so strange"
"I can think of something,"
"You can, what?" Jimin asked innocently
Jungkook pulled him up and threw him over his shoulder taking Jimin into his room and locking the door.
He held Jimin against him hungrily kissing him before he undressed him hurriedly.
"Your so beautiful,"
He stripped off his own clothes and picked Jimin up placing him on the bed and laying next to him.
Jimin crawled over Jungkook kissing his face , his neck and his nipples which he found were sensitive to his touch.
Jungkook groaned his dick already standing to attention. Jimin slid down then looking up at his lover took him in his mouth.
Jungkook had never seen anything so erotic looking. He moaned as Jimin sucked and licked him his head bobbing.
"Ah fuck Jimin!" He groaned as he felt a familiar sensation grow.
He started thrusting into Jimins mouth until the dam burst and he poured his seed down his throat,
Jimin swallowed it before letting go off the still semi hard length.
Jungkook pulled him up and rolled him on his back kissing him, tasting himself on him.
"My turn," he growled out.
Kissing down Jimins body ,hearing his aroused panting breaths. Leaving hickeys on his hip bone he pumped his member watching as Jimin writhed around. He reached into his drawer for lube and pushed in a finger.
Obliging he stuck in another taking Jimins member into his mouth as well. Jimin let out a sinful moan. Sucking on Jimins length he pushed in another finger hooking them so he would hit the bundle of nerves inside.
"Aaah fuuck!" Jimin moaned out, sensations building in him.
Jungkook could feel that Jimin was going to come soon he sucked and thrust his fingers in hitting his sweet spot pleasure racing through him.
"Aaaaarghghhhhh!" Jimin screamed out his release panting hard. Jungkook felt his tight hole gripping his fingers. He knelt up flipping Jimin over and giving him no time to recover pushed into his tight hole.
Jimin felt overstimulated , sensations rocked through him as Jungkook fucked him hard.
"That's it baby take all of me,"
Jungkook grunted thrusting over and over , he reached down to pull Jimins back to his chest placing one hand on his hip and holding his shoulder with the other.
Jimin leaned back against him lost in sensation.
"Eurghhhhhhhh!" Jungkook moaned out as he came inside Jimin his length throbbing his hands holding Jimin close.
Their panting breaths were all that could be heard.
"I'm fucked,"
"I know babe, I fucked you!"
"No silly..., I can't move, I'm too tired I want to sleep on you."
Jungkook carefully pulled out letting Jimin fall onto the bed. He went into the bathroom and cleaned up bringing a wet cloth and towel to wipe Jimin down.
Jimin squirmed embarrassed
"Let me do it Jimin you'll feel better,"
So Jimin let his lover clean him up. Jungkook came back to bed pulling Jimin across his chest and rubbing his back.
"Promise you'll never leave me....."
"I could never leave you, you are a part of me I'm nothing without you, I love you."
"I love you too.....we can get married abroad it's legal there."
"I wanna ring first,"
"I'll get you the best,"
"Hmm, park Jungkook,"
"No, Jeon Jimin,"
"Yer it has a nice ring to it."
"Here's to our future, Jeon Jimin, the love of my life,"
They cuddled together falling asleep to dreams of them as a married couple living the life they wanted, how they wanted.
The end

I hope you readers enjoy my stories that are all made up with maybe a hint of wishing they were true🥰.

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