Deceiving yourself

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That night Jimin went to his own room, Jungkook stayed up with Tae playing games and when eventually deciding to go to bed he hesitated near Jimins door then went into his own room.
Management had arranged a jet ski day.
They drove to a beach further down and found the instructors waiting to show them.
A bunch of pretty girls were there and Jungkook couldn't resist showing off. He winked at a few then turned to his friends as if to say, look they want me.
Jimin kept his head down after nodding to the females, he saw the way Jungkook interacted with them and it gave him a pain inside, he was never going to be special he was just a friend with benefits right.?
He turned away and walked over to an instructor who smiled at him, thinking how handsome the small male was.
"I hope I don't crash it" Jimin said nervously.
"I'll sit behind you we can have a trial run."
"I don't want to bother you?"
"No bother, come on."
Jungkook stood with Tae chatting to the girls, he did like being admired.
"Oooh, looks like Jimins scored!" Tae said.
Jungkook turned his head, seeing the way the instructor stood close to Jimin showing him the controls and Jimin was nodding in concentration.
"He's just showing him the ropes," he scoffed at Tae, turning back.
"Really, we'll how come he's sitting on the back nearly glued to him?"
Jungkook spun around and sure enough a giggling Jimin shot off with the man seated behind him, in Jungkooks perception far too close.
He strode to the other jet skis , jumping on one he was shown the ropes and allowed to go, his friends following.
Jimin couldn't stop laughing, it was a rush to speed around, spray splashing up.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw Jungkook speeding to catch up, he waved then shot off in another direction.
Jungkook got annoyed, why was the instructor sitting with Jimin anyway, nobody else had one.
Tae suddenly appeared next to him,
"Race you!"
They both sped off, Jungkooks annoyance at Jimin giving him an edge.
"Hah! I won,"
"Looks like Jimins had enough,"
Jungkook looked. Over Jimin had driven back and was helped off by the instructor. Both walked to where they had left towels. The man seemed to be monopolising Jimin. Going in Jungkook yelled," Jimin come on with me."
Jimin looked up then stood up coming over," I don't know Kookie it's your first time....."
"So you get on with a stranger but not me?"
"He's trained,"
"Really? I'm thinking perhaps you liked sitting with him.."
Jimin heard the terseness and gave in," ok I'll come,"
He got on behind Jungkook, forgetting he'd taken his life jacket off, jungkook sped off ignoring the sudden shout from the instructor. He sped away Jimin held on for dear life as they bumped across the waves.
"K-Kookie slow down,"
"Jimin don't be a scaredy cat," Jungkook laughed spinning around. Shouts came from the shoreline and two instructors jumped onto jet skis heading out but it just made Jungkook rev it up more until he lost control a bit bouncing particularly hard on a wave. A shrill scream echoed out he felt Jimins grip loosen and go.
He cut the engine ready to pick up Jimin who had come off but saw no sign, where was he? Panicking the two other jet skis stopped one instructor diving in.
"Where's Jimin?" Jungkook yelled
"He went under he hasn't got his life jacket on."
Jungkook  spun around , Jimin wasn't a great swimmer oh god where was he.!
Suddenly the other man appeared holding Jimin up who spluttered and coughed. Jungkook didn't realise tears ran down his face. Jimin was helped onto the empty jet ski the man jumping behind him slowly driving back.
Once near land , jungkook sprinted off running to see Jimin who was being helped off. The other group members crowding around.
"Jimin, Jimin are you ok?" Jungkook grabbed hold of him checking for anything bad.
"You drove recklessly young man" the instructor who liked Jimin said trying to get close to the small male.
"No, it was my fault, I took off my jacket and forgot to put it on again, we just got caught by a wave," Jimin said in explanation he didn't want Jungkook told off.
Jungkook took a towel drying Jimin off, the others backed away.
"I'm sorry Jimin I was reckless,"
"Did I make you mad? You seemed a bit off talking about the instructor,"
"Him,Pfft ! You make it sound like I'm jealous!!"
"Oh no I know it's not that after all I'm just the friend with benefits right?"
Jungkook didn't realise he'd nodded until he saw an upset look on Jimins face before he walked to the others. He felt guilty for some reason but ignored it after all it was the truth, he was just experimenting he wasn't gay.
They all dried off and dressed then we're taken to a seashore restaurant .
Jimin sat next to Hobi and Tae while Jungkook was next to RM the other side of the table, Jin and Suga at either end.
"God you scared us Jimin you flew up so high then disappeared,"
"You didn't hurt yourself did you?"
"Your new friend was worried about you, asked me to give you his phone number," Tae said handing over a piece of paper. Jimin blushed and Jungkook..... he gripped the table as jealousy overcame him.
He was quiet the whole meal, until RM spoke to him.
"So your fan club got fed up waiting for you."
"Those girls?"
"Oh, yer well I wasn't here for that,"
"Could have fooled me, you loved them hanging around, they were all over you and Jimin had his friend."
"He just showed me how to drive,"
"Yer and Jungkook was showing the girls his muscles blatantly trying it on!"
"Well he's young free and single "Jimin said quietly and it was then that Jungkook realised..., he did not want Jimin to go off with someone else, he was jealous of how close another male had got, so how had Jimin felt seeing him surrounded by girls?you fool Jungkook your just deceiving yourself if you think you don't care, what are you doing !!
The meal ended and they clambered back in the minibus that had taken them. Jimin sat near the front quietly looking out as the others chatted, except for Jungkook who stared at the quiet male.
Once back Jimin started up the stairs , "excuse me, I'm gonna have a nap" he disappeared.
"Think shocks setting in, that was a close call.  Let him rest up. "Jin said.
They all went to do their own thing. Jungkook walked upstairs  gently trying Jimins  door which was locked. Sighing he went into his own room laying down but not settling
He could have hurt Jimin today with his thoughtless actions.he thought back about how he'd been with Jimin, he'd taken what he wanted literally sending him to his room after sex like some dirty little secret, then showed off in front of him with those girls, way to go Jungkook, show someone how little you think of their feelings.
Standing up he went to the veranda glancing next door to see Jimins door slightly open. He crept over glancing in to see Jimin on his side fast asleep. He slipped in and lay down next to him watching him as he slept," I want more Jiminee...." He pressed a soft kiss to his head and Jimin cuddled closer as if searching for something before his arm and leg went across Jungkook and he settled.

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