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???'s POV

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???'s POV

Greetings to those who are reading this journal,

Today I heard I'd been assigned to one of Skystrike's Academy student pilot players, according to the file, his name goes by Cadet Chang Y/N, and he's set to graduate by next year as he's a Junior.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited about this as I haven't worked on nor seen a human in a long time, not since the asteroid N-1229 added to the chaos, the whole world had gone to war once more.

My kind had to live on cattle and ration blood for generations due to the nuclear fallout, for both vampires and humans alike, we were on the brink of extinction, and there was not much hope for us living in the future.

However, Heaven had finally smiled upon us as the planet had slowly begun to heal itself from the scars of bloody warfare and life became sustainable again. But there's still one problem...

All of the women had been wiped out and it was just us men and vampires left from the apocalyptic events. Leaving us with no other choice, we had to work and bond together as a whole society.

Some had disagreed on it because we're different species but the rest, of course, were desperate and would accept anything at this rate as there were very few suitable mates for us left.

As a matter of fact, I'm one of the first vampires to attempt to form a relationship with a human but I knew it wasn't going to be easy...

Never have I realized nor prepared myself for the frustration and anger that Y/N had brought onto me. He was a handsome man and he has the skills needed for being a proper mate for me.

Weeks to months of spending time and getting to know him, it mesmerizes me to see him soar up in the skies and dance with the clouds. It makes me glad to know that he isn't stuck in an office all the time.

Besides, I don't he'd be able to handle it very well... The point is that he blocks and pushes away all of my attempts and signals of my interest. From cooking him his favorite food, taking care of all of his wounds and check-ups, and even giving him physical affection.


Sometimes in my head, I ask him...

"Is my Love a Game to you?"


To Be Continued...

Author: Hoped yall liked the prologue of the book and look forward to the first chapter! Also, please leave a vote and comment if you can :)

Is Love A Game To You? | Park Chaeyoung X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now