Chapter 8: Three Strikes

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𝙳𝚊𝚝𝚎: 𝟶𝟹

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𝙳𝚊𝚝𝚎: 𝟶𝟹.𝟸𝟹.𝟸𝟶𝟻𝟶
𝙻𝚘𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗: 𝙼𝚊𝚎𝚗𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑, 𝙶𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚠𝚘𝚗-𝚍𝚘


It's a beautiful day at the beach today, all of the freshmen cadets are playing and hanging out in the water to celebrate the new entry of Skystrike Academy.

Sadly, I had no friends and it was just me alone sitting under the shade of a palm tree, watching as my classmates have the time of their lives.

Throughout my whole life, everyone else had looked at me like I'm some sort of outcast or a low-life piece of shit that nobody wants anything to do with.

It's the whole reason why I'm always getting into street fights, at first, I thought enrolling in the academy would provide an opportunity for me to start over.

But instead, it was the complete opposite...The assholes never stopped laughing at me like I'm a fool and trying to kill me.

Whenever I get involved in any fights, the principal would always put all the blame on me as I don't have the best reputation in the city.

"Hey, look at the idiot sitting there alone like a dumbass!" One of the fuckheads called out and his friends laughed at his so-called "hilarious" joke.

I wasn't fazed by his shitty joke one bit and I didn't feel like beating his ass up again since I already had the past few days and he still hadn't learned a thing.

Ironic how small-minded they are, next, two of his boys came up to me and forced me to get up by dragging me by my arms.

"The the fuck off me!" I yelled at them before back-fisting one of them in the nose causing them to lose grip on me.

However, any resistance was futile as more and more had come to back them up and there was no way I can fight them all at once.

"Let's see if he can swim!" The leader said and they toss me into the water.

Fortunately, for me, I was a good swimmer so I easily swam up to the surface in no time to the bully's disappointment.

However, I was oblivious to my surroundings as I didn't notice a massive twenty-foot Great White Shark heading swimming toward my position.

"Oh, shit! Let's get out of here!" The leader said and they ran off leaving me confused but it would soon be answered.

The shark's powerful jaws got a grip on my leg and I was dragged into the water in a blink of an eye, looking right into its wicked big black eye, it was trying to turn me into its lunch but I won't be going down without a fight.

Punching the shark into its sensitive spots on the eyes and gills, it lost grip of my leg as blood began to seep into the salty waters, observing the deadly predator circling around me, it came in for another attack.

Bracing myself for the shark's charge, it rams into me and I grabbed a hold of its humongous jaws to prevent it from taking a chunk out of me.

But I was caught off guard when it thrashed leaving three burning marks on my chest before disappearing deep into the darker depths.

Coming up for air, I dived down to look for any signs of the shark there were no signs of any life, and judging that it was safe, I swam back to the beach and I was covered in bruises and a large bite mark on my left leg.

When I looked down at my chest, I was shocked to find three large scratch marks across my abs, and I soon passed out on the wet sand.


Author's POV

After the shark attack incident, Y/N was immediately transported to the medical bay and had to rest there for about two weeks before being discharged when the doctors determined he was healthy enough to return to his normal activities.

Nevertheless, the memories and the three scratch marks will continue to haunt him for a lifetime.

When Y/N had landed back on the runway and taxied to the hangar, he was caught off guard as the bullies him dragged out of the cockpit and tossed him to the ground making him groan in pain.

"You fuckhead! I lost a lot of money because of you!" The leader of the gang said to him and Y/N didn't say a word.

"It's surprising that you've survived the shark attack, I thought you were dead back there. But I guess, we've gotta finish you, right here and now." He said to him and he signaled his friends.

Just as he was about to get beaten up, he leaped up before elbowing one of the cadets on the cheek, knocking him out cold.

The cadets froze in shock but Y/N didn't give them time to compose what had just happened and he went on the offense.

All in a blink of an eye, all of the cadets were knocked unconscious leaving the leader to fend for himself.

"Y-You truly are a three-striked freak!" I said to myself and I chuckled.

"Three strikes, huh...? You know what? Keep calling me that because I'm starting to like it." Y/N menacingly replied to him before knocking him out cold.

Of course, it didn't take long for the events to get to the principal Yang Hyunsuk, once again, he was inside his office to discuss a means of punishment for the fight.

"Aye, yai, yai, what am I going do with you, Cadet Chang Y/N...?" Hyunsuk rhetorically asked him as he shook his head.

"This is the fifth fight, this week and at this point, I don't know why I'm even keeping you here." He pointed out before sighing and Y/N didn't say a word.

Just as Hyunsuk was about to finally expel him from the academy, he receives a special phone call from the main director.

"Hold that thought... Hello? Yes, Cadet Chang Y/N, got into another fight and I'm going to officially kick him out of the academy." Hyunsuk spoke on the phone.

"With all due respect, my lady, but you can't be serious. Do you have any idea how much trouble he's caused us?" He pointed out and he only groaned in frustration.

"Very well, I understand and I'll respect your decision." He replied to the phone before hanging up.

As Hyunsuk puts the phone down, he explained how today is his lucky day as the main director or otherwise the Alpha Kim Jisoo had pardoned him.


Back to the Present...


"That is how I got the nickname Three Strikes..." I finished telling the tale of the story and she was amazed.

"Ah, I see, you've been through quite a rough life, haven't you?" She asked him and he nodded.

Concluding the nighttime storytelling, I turned off the lamp and went to sleep as it was starting to get late.


To Be Continued...

Author: Hope this chapter turned out okay and if you enjoyed reading this so far please leave a vote and comment if you can as it would be greatly appreciated :)

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