Chapter 5: Unidentified Flying Object

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𝙳𝚊𝚝𝚎: 𝟶𝟻

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𝙳𝚊𝚝𝚎: 𝟶𝟻.𝟶𝟷.𝟸𝟶𝟻𝟽
𝙻𝚘𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗: 𝚂𝚔𝚢𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝙰𝚌𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚢, 𝙹𝚎𝚓𝚞 𝙲𝚒𝚝𝚢


The week after Chaeyoung's medical evaluation of my reproductive system, all I've been doing is some exercises to prepare for the second phase of the test.

I'm aware that Coach Soo-man will put me up against his best team, their names are unknown to me as he probably wanted to keep it a secret for now.

As of right now, all I've been doing is special training scenarios against A.I. pilots, I was flying the SU-57 and so far it's one of the most highly capable fighters that I've flown since I started Skystrike.

Taxiing out of the hangar, I performed pre-flight checks on the rudders and wing flaps before testing out the engine.

After getting the all-clear signal from the aircrew team, I taxied the runway and get permission to take off.

Pushing full throttle onto the engine, it doesn't take long to ascend to the skies and to 40,000 feet which is cruising altitude.

I instructed the A.I. technicians to set them to the highest difficulty possible so I can be prepared when Soo-man's team arrives.

Waiting for the A.I. pilots to arrive, there was no one in sight or on the radar, it was odd because they should be here by now.

All of a sudden, I picked up five boogies on the radar and I managed to get a visual of them, they're are five F-15 Eagles heading straight toward my position.

Taking evasive action, immediately, one of the bandit F-15s had already fired a missile and was rushing to me but I managed to evade it.

The rest of the four attempted to surround me but I didn't allow it to do so and I had to pull some fancy maneuvers to get away from them.

Damn, these robots are good that's for sure but I sure as hell won't let them defeat me, banking hard right, I got behind one of them and locked onto it.

Pressing the weapon release button, I fired a missile and it landed a direct hit causing a big ball of smoke to explode in the air.

The bandit F-15 pulls out of the airspace leaving only four of the bandits left, dealing with one was already bad enough but I knew I had to take them down if I'm going to overcome Soo-man's team.

Pulling at least 7gs which is the maximum limit that Chaeyoung had instructed, I knew that I'll have to pull more than that to beat these guys.

But anything more than 7gs I'm in grave danger of going into G-Loc, if you don't know what that means, I'll pass out or lose consciousness and trust me, it's a bad position to be in when you're 30,000 feet in the air.

As the F-15s pursue me, I flew by a valley giving me an advantage over them as these A.I. pilots aren't too suited for this type of environment.

Going deeper into the valley, I managed to pick two of them off leaving only two of them left, the bandits refused to fly into the valley to attack as their programming prohibits it.

Climbing up to chase them down and get a lock on them, out of the blue, my instruments started to go haywire.

"What the fuck is going on...?" I asked myself as I tried my best to reboot the systems but it was no use.

"Control, this is Phoenix, my instruments are malfunctioning, do you read me? Over?" I attempted to contact the ATC tower but the only reply I received was the scrambling sounds of the radio.

Shit, something must be cutting me off from communications and I'm all alone now, trying to figure out what to do next, I spotted an unnatural glowing light.

"The hell is that...?" I asked myself as I can't make out what I was in the clouds.



Chaeyoung's POV

It scares me that there's been no contact since Y/n had flown into the mountain valley nearby, the operators attempted many times to reach out to him but it was no good.

"Ma'am, we got no luck in trying to contact Phoenix. What should we do?" The supervisor asked me and I sighed.

"Have you tried resetting the communications tower?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Yes, ma'am, but it's still no good and we've everything else in the book." He explained to me and I groaned.

"Very well, dispatch a search and rescue team, look in every nock cranny until he's found," I ordered him and he nodded.

"Right away, miss, if he's out there, will find him." He assured me and I thanked him.

He goes back to his post and orders his subordinates to do what I had instructed, from now on, all I can do is pray that he's okay and hasn't crashed.



As I continue to study the bizarre lights in the clouds, the wind blew them away and I was stunned to see a bright glowing object flying in the air.

Completely speechless and in awe of the flying saucer in the sky, there is no aircraft in my knowledge that matches what I'm witnessing

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Completely speechless and in awe of the flying saucer in the sky, there is no aircraft in my knowledge that matches what I'm witnessing.

It didn't appear to be hostile or behaving aggressively, I have no idea what that is or what the thing's mission is...

As I began to approach the unknown aircraft, the thing swiftly sped away and I pushed the throttle to the max to attempt to keep up with it.

However, despite my SU-57 going the fastest it possibly can, it was not good enough to match the speed of the unknown aircraft.

Suddenly, it just stopped and floated in mid-air like a rotary-wing aircraft and I had to bank right to avoid a collision.

Clearly, this thing is highly advanced and is beyond our current technological advances, trying to get a lock so I can get an ID on the boogie, but the targeting systems refused to work with me.

I was about to get a better look until it jumped into the atmosphere in a blink of an eye, the boogie was no longer on the radar nor in sight, it's gone now.

Trying to compose my thoughts, I got interrupted when I received communications from what I assume is the search and rescue team.

"Phoenix, this is Alfa 1, do you read me?" He asked me.

"I read you, Alfa 1, this is Phoenix, I'm perfectly safe. Over." I replied to him.

"Copy that, Phoenix, RTB. Over." Alfa 1 instructed me and I set the course back to Skystrike Academy.


To Be Continued...

Author: What do yall think that unidentified aircraft was or its intentions on Earth? What does yall think will happen next? Stay tuned to find out! Hoped yall liked the chapter and story so far but if you did please leave a vote and comment if you can as it would be greatly appreciated :)

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