Chapter 2: Flight Test

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𝙳𝚊𝚝𝚎: 𝟶𝟺

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𝙳𝚊𝚝𝚎: 𝟶𝟺.𝟸𝟺.𝟸𝟶𝟻𝟽
𝙻𝚘𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗: 𝙹𝚎𝚓𝚞 𝙲𝚒𝚝𝚢, 𝚁𝚎𝚙𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚌 𝚘𝚏 𝙺𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚊


After getting annoyed by the chipmunk nurse for ten minutes straight while we walked to the hangar, we reached there on time as the engineers and maintenance crew had just finished their work.

What caught my eye the most was the covered fighter aircraft, I couldn't exactly tell what it was but there was no time for me to theorize as Chaeyoung dragged me to the medical bay. 

"Now, Y/N, from now on, before you go flying, I have to do a physical checkup on you to make sure you don't have any injuries or lung issues. Got it?" She asked me as she put on latex gloves and I sighed before nodding. 

"Good boy~. First question, have you had any sexual intercourse with any woman?" She asked me and I was taken aback. 

 "W-What the hell does that have to do with anything?!" I asked her and she glared at me. 

"I've asked you a question, darling, is it... Yes... Or... No?" She asked me in an authoritative tone. 

"N-No." I hesitantly answered her and she smiled. 

"See, that wasn't so hard now was it~?" She replied to me in a seductive tone like a wife trying to seduce her husband. 

 The first thing she did was listen to my heartbeat, and breathing, she looked into my ears to check for any infections. 

"Okay, hun, you're breathing and heartbeat sounds fine and you have no infections whatsoever~." She explained to me as she logs it down on her laptop. 

Good lord, why is my nurse so flirty with me? She gave me a peck on the cheek for a seal of approval and declared that I was fit for training. 

After that was over, I had to gear up, taking my helmet and safety vest consisting of a survival knife, heavy-duty radio, and other necessary equipment if I somehow crashed. 

Getting done gearing up for my test flight, the guards escorted me and Chaeyoung to the briefing room.

When we entered the classroom, I was greeted by a fighter coach I could tell by the uniform he was wearing as the patch on his polo shirt signifies it. 

"Greetings, Cadet Chang, my name is Coach Lee Soo-man of the Aviation Star Museum and I'll be your flight instructor for this performance test." He introduced himself before we shook hands. 

"It's good to meet you too, Coach, I've heard a lot of great things about your team," I replied to him and he nodded.

"Haha, thank you! Now, onto business, for this flight test, there will be three phases, the first one will be shooting down A.I. fighter players, if you pass then you'll be moving on to phase two which will be challenging my best team... Aespa, and if you somehow manage to get through them, the final phase is well... A secret for now." He explained the whole thing to me and I kinda gulped as that's a lot. 

The principal surely wasn't bluffing when he said he was going to test and truly see what my limits are. This is going to be my hardest performance test yet and I can start to understand why he wanted a personal nurse to take care of me.

Regardless, I don't need or want Chaeyoung's help despite the nice things she's done for me, however, that doesn't mean I'm ungrateful. Sure, she's kind but she's just too much of a snake. 

Funny enough, kinda reminds of me of one of my past crushes... A certain girl that looked like a squirrel. 

Whatever, she's probably gone now thanks to the asteroid and the war. Coach Lee Soo-man guides me outside into the hangar, he signals the men to uncover the mysterious aircraft and I was in astonishment. when I first caught a glimpse of it.

"Alright, Cadet Chang, this will be the bird you'll be flying from now on, allow me to introduce you

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"Alright, Cadet Chang, this will be the bird you'll be flying from now on, allow me to introduce you... The lost aircraft design, the Sukhoi SU-57 Felon, a highly capable 5th-generation fighter designed by the ancient Russian Federation. It can take down even the best air fighters flying today but the only way it can reach such a feet is if it's piloted by the best there is... Do you think you're up for it, Cadet Chang?" He asked me and I took a deep breath before nodding. 

"Yes, coach!" I answered him. 

"Outstanding, now hop into the cockpit and perform pre-flight checks!" He ordered me and I climbed up the ladder and sat in the seat of the cockpit. 

Chaeyoung followed suit and had a respirator device in her hand, she instructed me to put this on my mouth to breathe in the medication for my lungs to help prevent G-LOC, I cooperated and inhaled all the medicated oxygen from the small tank. 

"Oh, darling?" She called me.

"What?" I asked her and she gently rubbed my cheek. 

"Don't crash on the first day, I hate to lose my lover~." She said to me and I rolled my eyes. 

She climbed down the ladder before I could say anything to her and I sighed, the crew signaled for a pre-flight check, manipulating the rudders and the wing flaps using the stick, they were both working properly and I turned on the left and right engines.

The engines roared to life and I slowly began to taxi out of the hangar, applying the brakes, the crew signaled to test the engine throttles to make sure it doesn't burn out. 

Pushing the throttle control slowly and the engines were purring, seeing as it was all-clear, I was given permission to continue taxiing to the runway. 

"Phoenix, all systems go, you're to take off!" The ATC operator permitted me. 

"Copy that, control!" I replied to the operator before pushing the throttle to maximum power to ascend to gain altitude. 

What surprised me the most is how fast the Felon can take off as it doesn't take long until I reached up to 30,000 feet, the ATC gives me the coordinates and I re-direct course. 

About a few minutes into the flight, I already picked up a small group of boogies heading in my direction. Attempting to reach out to them to see if they're possibly friendly, I got no response meaning they're likely my target A.I. pilots. 

This oughta be good... 


To Be Continued...

Author: What do you all think will happen next? Stay tuned to find out! Hoped yall liked the chapter and story so far but if you did please leave a vote and comment if you can :)

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