Chapter 9: Blood Moon🔞

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𝙳𝚊𝚝𝚎: 𝟶𝟻

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𝙳𝚊𝚝𝚎: 𝟶𝟻.𝟷𝟶.𝟸𝟶𝟻𝟽
𝙻𝚘𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗: 𝚈/𝙽'𝚜 𝙳𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢, 𝚂𝚔𝚢𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝙰𝚌𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚢, 𝙹𝚎𝚓𝚞 𝙲𝚒𝚝𝚢


As the sun dawns over the horizon, Chae and I woke up bright and early as part of our routine together as a "couple" or something similar to that. 

We were butt-ass naked when we woke up as Chae wanted more rounds of sex last night and I cannot tell if her boobs are only getting bigger each time we do it. 

Whatever, not like I'm not complaining anymore as I'm starting to get used to it, anyway, today the academy is holding a special event. 

Each year, we switch up the fighters from modern fighter jets to classic warbirds that were used during the Second World War. 

Since I signed up to participate in the event, I got myself ready for the morning before eating breakfast and getting myself dressed up in a vintage flight suit. 

Leaving the dorm, we head to the airfield where I can already see a group of antique warbirds like the Spitfire, Zero, BF-109s, and even Corsairs inside the hangars being prepared for flight. 

"Must be exciting to fly such antiques." She commented and I nodded.

"Yeah, flying warbirds is actually a little bit more interesting as there aren't armed with missiles, and are only option to defeat the opponent is by machine guns," I explained to her as I'm always been passionate about them. 

"Hehe, I wish you good luck then," She said to me and I thanked her. 

"But... I must warn you... Tonight is going to be more fun than usual~..." She whispered into my ear sending shivers down my spine. 

Checking in with the receptionist, he assigns me hangar 109 holding an A6M Zero, sweet, looks like I'll be flying an aircraft engineered by the ancient Japanese Empire. 

I've read many stories about how deadly and fast they are as they outclassed American warfighters during their time and it was the most capable carrier-based aircraft in the world. 

This will surely give me an advantage during the matches but I have to keep in mind that it's not the plane that wins dogfights... It's the pilots. 

While walking to the hangar, I felt like somebody was watching me and I looked around to see a woman in a black dress. 

The strange woman looked awfully familiar to someone I once knew but I couldn't quite point my finger at it. 

Attempting to get a better look at her, she disappeared into thin air as a group of cadets walked passed her. 

Not knowing what she was, I shrugged it off and carried on with my business, and got into the hangar before being briefed on the whole event and rules. 

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